Do You Love What You Feel

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ShadowQueen Ch. 20: Do You Love What You Feel


Quinquennial Beginning of Week Three

Following their little charade, the group of friends make their way to the stables to make good on their bluff as to tamper down on dear Snow's meddlesome suspicion. While on their short journey Regina asks Brigitte, "so, you never told me specifically why you and Snow are no longer friends, from what I hear from your brother, you both were thick as thieves when you both were younger". Brigitte chuckles at the 'thick as thieves' line being that 'thieving' played a factor in why they are longer friends. "Funny you should mention 'thieves'", Brigitte begins, "coming from the family I'm part of, forgiveness, second chances and giving the benefit of the doubt are all key practices well within our family set. So, know, I didn't just grow ice cold with dear Snow over a single infraction. There were many... oh so many, from her being selfish with toys and self-centered in her way, to the three offenses that caused me to completely cut ties with the sappy sweet dove known as Snow White. The first occurred when I was thirteen and she eleven.

Our parents were just having a leisurely Saturday together as they usually did and left us to play together of our own accord. The cooks were preparing for some event, I can't remember what and we asked for a pastry of which we were each granted one. When we finished, a bit later I asked if I could have another and was denied which I accepted... note... the bakers in my castle... which we were going back to later that evening... would prepare numerous batches of various pastries at my mere request being that I was, still am the baby girl. So, I really didn't mind being told no. But, dear Snow... when Snow made mention to wanting another, I informed her that I was denied, but she still asked anyway. But she asked in a way that made it sound like it was me who was insisting, she said 'princess Brigitte said she asked you for another and you said no', and the cook confirmed that's what he said, then she said, 'so that means on one else can have any either'", Brigitte says imitating Snow. She continues "the cook again confirmed that that was the case but little Ms. Snow didn't take to kindly to being told no. So, a while later when no one was looking she snuck one from the kitchen. When I saw her with it I was confused because the cook blatantly said no but I didn't think too far into it, especially when she gave me the remainder of the pastry.

When the cook came to scold whomever had taken it, when he saw the remainder she'd given me in my hand, he automatically assumed that I'd done it... and dear Snow allowed me to take the full blame and repercussion for something she'd done. Then when I tried to clear my name, she denied to the heavens that it was her. But considering we were children then, I let it go only for her to a couple years later, her thirteen, me fifteen she tells my mother and father of my little boyfriend. In my family, having a mate is something that comes after the rite of passage ceremony that takes place when a young girl is sixteen years of age. If the girl so chooses to bypass the set order, she forfeits her rights to said ceremony. With Snow's blabbing, she almost cost me something I'd been looking forward to my whole life... over a simple crush. A crush that, come to find out later, she liked herself but couldn't have because he didn't like her back... one, the young man liked me and two, she was too young for his taste. I even forgave her for that, as I still had my ceremony and it was everything I'd ever dreamt it'd be. The finality to our dealings came when I...", Brigitte hesitates in telling this part as it is a secret that she holds to this day, it's one that not only protects her but her family.

Regina notices Brigitte's hesitation in telling her, "Brigi, if you don't feel comfortable sharing that portion... you don't have to. I can completely understand your disdain for Snow White with the first two offenses you mentioned". When Regina sincerely begs off of being told of the thing she was holding back, Brigitte gathers that Regina can be trusted. Especially because Brigitte is helping to keep a secret of Regina's that could ruin said friend just as well as Brigitte's secret can endanger her family. With that she opens up to her sister friend, "no it's fine... I feel I can trust you. And it's only fair that you hold a secret of mine as I hold one of yours", she says eyeing between Regina and her brother. Regina is taken aback by Brigitte's notion, "you know?", she asks worriedly, "he's my brother, of course I know. But no need to worry your secret is most definitely safe with me... Regina, dear sister friend, that's the real reason why Clara and I came to save you both. Clara doesn't know but I do and didn't want the 'royal stoolpigeon' to catch any wind or sight of it. I think you're good for him... I haven't seen him as happy as he's been since he's been with you... and honestly, you seem a bit happier now than you were before being with him as well", Brigitte confirms.

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