One and Only

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"ShadowQueen Ch15: One and Only

"He holds her close as he sits next to his lovely love in comfortable silence. Their time together, between the previous night and early afternoon, was nothing less than eventful. They went from a very convincing, well-accepted apology, to an unbelievable, love-filled, super intense, morning fuck session that led to love confessions and clarifications. Love confessions and clarifications that led to another set of rounds that wore them completely out for this portion of the day. Those tiresome rounds led to silence. Silence that was broken by a simple question with a rather loaded answer. An answer that nearly shattered his very belief that things could ever be simple for them... that is outside of him fighting his own demons of course. No, things aren't simple at all. Why would he even trust to believe they could possibly be?

He and Regina are a twirling hurricane of feelings and emotion. A storm of winds blowing with the intensity of love-filled pleasure sessions, rains of tears wept for dreams lost and storm surges of desires, longings for an awesome future together. A future all dependent on the happenings of a present tainted by woes of the past. He finds it crazy that, although, in this life they have freedom, unbelievably, it has presented itself to be much more complicated than the life they had before. When they were younger, although 'imprisoned', Leopold and Snow were Regina's only fetters. Their love was fresh. They were innocent, untainted by hurt, unblemished by pain or years of suffering. Now, they must toil through demolishing each brick of the walls life has built. They must break them down enough just to get to a place where their love can live free of just the heaviest of these weighted binds. He sits beside her with one arm around her back and the other with its hand on her lower belly over the place where her womb resides.

Samdi is still shaken by what Regina revealed earlier. It doesn't make him love her any less, however it does make his concern for her grow tremendously. He is concerned of what manner of darkness she has cast upon herself that is so strong, so dark, that it's hold binds her even in a land without magic? He wonders if it was a curse by word, by elixir, or both? Was it a poison? Most importantly, he wonders if its effects can be undone? He desires to ask her for clarification but choses to hold off for now. The morning has already been an emotional one, so he feels no need to stir up anymore emotions unnecessarily. One thing is for sure though, even after having the curse's nature clarified, there is the fact that there is a lack of magic here in this land. Admittedly, there is some magic present, however, it's not nearly enough to do any of what she desires, rather needs, to be done. He wants to help her save her son and make real her desire for children in future... among other things. The only block is, where to find it... he knows how to harness it, it just needs to be found and in a great abundance.

He is brought from his thoughts when her belly under his hand moves... she's hungry and her stomach is clearly letting it be known. "Seems you're hungry my dear... we have fully missed breakfast after all", he states rubbing her stomach, "how about we get washed and dressed and I take you to brunch... sound good my love?", "hmm?" she asks totally too caught up in her own thoughts to hear any of what he's said. Her mind is racing with 'what ifs', 'if then-s', 'should I-s', 'should we-s', 'why did-s', and 'how can-s'. With her mind running a million miles a second, she was bound to miss everything he just said. He notices her minds absence and it concerns him, he kisses the side of her head in a small attempt to comfort her and repeats, "I felt your stomach rumble my love... I asked if you wanted to wash, dress and let me take you to brunch... does that sound good lovely?"

Finally present in mind, Regina answers, "that sounds great my love... but I really don't think being seen in the same thing twice would be the best... people will begin to talk. I'll have to go home to get a change of clothes before we go". Samdi, knowing what she does not, just smiles and says, "oh, but you don't my lovely... come", he stands, takes her by the hand and leads her in the direction of his bathroom, "close your eyes my love", he requests. "Baron... what are you-?", she begins to ask skeptically, "just... please lovely... close them", he cuts her off and gently insists, now holding both of her hands in his that he brings to his lips to softly kiss. "Fine", she sighs, Regina doesn't really like surprises, as they haven't done her well throughout the years. But she plays along anyway, especially since he's trying to be sweet with... whatever it is he has to show her.

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