Chapter 5: Abducted

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My vision started coming back to me. My body is sore and I have a major headache. I looked around and saw I was in a basement. "Hello?! Where the fuck am I!!!" I heard some shuffling up stairs and the door open with a bang against the wall. "Ah I see you're awake now. I was starting to get worried, haha who am I kidding I wasnt worried at all." My eyes got wide when I saw who was there. "Elizabeth! You dumb bitch! You've really fucked up now. I see you've partnered with Kyle. Not surprising at all. I had a feeling you were behind Jason's murder as well." She loked at me shocked and slapped me. I laughed in her face. "You're a pussy just like Kyle is." Elizabeth looked pissed off "What the fuck ever, you know nothing about me! I am not a pussy!" she slapped me again. "Oh really? I bet you wouldn't do that if I wasn't tried up!" She huffed and turned on her heels and walked up the stairs.

Kyle was still standing in the basement looking me up and down. "What? You gonna say something or just stare at me like you're stupid?" Kyle started walking towards me. He stopped when he was right in front of me, his fingers tracing the top of my breast. He took out a knife and cut my shirt off. "You never fucking change or learn do you?" I went to bring my knee up to hut him but I couldn't move it. Damnit! I guess he got smarter. Kyle pushed me off the chair I was on and onto the floor. "Damn, easy next time." Kyle slapped me hard "Shut up!" Maybe I've pissed him off a little to much.

Kyle unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them off of me. His hand rubbed the inside of my thigh and slowly moved up to my V. I shut my eyes and tried to block everything out. I tried thinking of Jason, it worked for a short time til I felt him slam into me. I screamed in pain and tried holding the tears back. Kyle slapped me hard a few times. I tried to stay quiet. Jason! I really need you! Baby, help me!! I was screaming in my mind. He started pushing harder and faster and my silence was broke by sobs and painful yells. Kyle kept punching and slapping me. He punched me hard one more time and I blacked out.

This went on 8 times. 8 days I had to go through the same thing. Each time only got worse.

When I woke up after the 8th time, I was still on the floor. I curled up against the wall and hugged my knees. I noticed kyle had cut my ankles and hands free. I went for my clothes and jerked my pants up, I went for my shirt but it was cut straight down the front. Well at least I have my bra still.

I sat back down, I was sitting there for what seemed like hours til I finally saw the door open back up. I saw Elizabeth walking down the stairs. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and her eyes widened. "Oh my god. You look horrible. Are you okay?" I just stiffened a small chuckle "Yeah like you care." She walked closer to me and stopped when she got a better look at me, her jaw dropped. Do I really look the bad? "What happened? " she sounded seriously worried and concerned. "Why don't you ask Kyle, I think he won't mind bragging about it." I felt my eyes watering up but quicklu blinked it away. "Kyle isn't here. Come on so we can get you cleaned up." We started walking to the stairs "I have some clothes you can wear." I stopped and looked at her. "Why are you suddenly helping me?" She gave me a smile before responding "I've never hated you I only acted like it for my mom. I knew that you couldn't be a bad person if Jason was in love with you. I wasn't in on his death. I'm only staying with Kyle now so tgat I can get more info on all the thinfs he's done. I want him gone for what he did to Jason! Maybe not as much as you do but probably close to that much." I noticed we were at the bathroom door now. "I have some towels set out for you, and clothes set on my bed. my room is the door right here" She pointed to a door to the left of the bathroom. "Kyle won't be back for 3 or 4 hours. So you have some time." she started to walk away "Umm, thank you." she smiled at me "No need to thank me. I'd want some help if somebody was doing me that way." I smiled at her and stepped in the bathroom.

I quickly shut and locked the door I turned on the water and started to undress. I placed the knife on the ledge in the shower. I looked at myself in the mirror before stepping in the shower. My face was bloody and swollen. I had bruises up and down my body. I didn't look anymore and got in the shower. after I felt ckean, well as clean as I got get, I got out and dried off. I grabbed my old clothes and wrapped a towel around me I walked to the door Elizabeth pointed out and stepped in. I locked the door and grabbed the clothes she layed out for me, there was black jeans with leather boots and a purple tank top. After I dressed I slipped the knife in my front pocket of the jeans. I walked out of the room and headed towards the kitchen down the hall. I saw Elizabeth sitting at the table. I sat in the chair across from her. I saw my bag sitting on the table and reached for it. I saw my gun was still in it I stuck it in my boot and stuck my sog knife in the other. I looked at my phone and went to Micheal's message thread. I saw the address im guessing I'm at was already sent to him with a message that said that Kyle had abducted me and to come get me. I looked at Elizabeth and smiled at her. "Thank you! What will happen if Kyle finds out?" she just shrugged her shoulders. "Don't worry about him. The cops are posted in the backyard and around the house waiting for him to get home." I laughed "Damn you're good! Thanks for the clothes by the way." She nodded and went to the fridge. She walked back to the table and handed me a bottle of Mtn Dew. "Thanks." We went into the living room and started watching The Truth About Cats and Dogs, the movie was soon over.

We heard a car pull up. Elizabeth dialed s number on her phone "Okay, get ready!" she hung up and pointed towards her room "If its me going in I'll run my finger nails down the door." inodded and I walked in that direction and she stayed in the living room. I shut and locked the door, I was listening in to what was going on. I heard Kyle walk in. "How's the bitch?" he sounded tired "The same as she's been." I heard someone walk into the bathroom, after a few I heard them walk out. iheard the basement door open and slam shut. I opened the door and ran out into the living room "Run! Hurry!" I nodded I grabbed my bag off the table and ran out the house. I heard a scream and a gun shot echo. My heart dropped. Nooo! Not again! I turned and ran back for the house. I walked in and saw Kyle standing over Elizabeth. I didn't saw anything I just jumped on him and started punching him, sending blow after blow. "You stupid mother fucker! First Kyle now her! You've taken to many people. You've taken to much from me!" I screamed at him. I kept hitting him. I was pulled off of Kyle and placed outside.

I saw a familiar cop and then I saw Micheal running towards me. I ran to him and collapsed in his arms. I cried for a while. Officer Hamilton walked over to us. I didn't look him in the eye. "Hello again." I nodded at him. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to get you're statement." Micheal held me close as I told the cop what happened from the very beginning, starting with the very first time he raped me. After I was done I noticed I had started crying. Officer Hamilton hugged me. Kyle was brought out of the house and walked past me "I'll be back for you bitch! This isn't over by a long shot!"

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