Chapter 8: Confessions

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"Well Micheal I'm sorry! It's how I fucking deal and cope with it all." I yelled.Micheal shook his head "You don't think I get how you feel about. You didn't go through it alone." I sarcastically laughed "You weren't raped 9 or 10 times, the love of your life didn't die, and you didn't get knocked up by the one person that has taken everything from you!" I was crying now "Micheal I'm sorry. It's just- it's just I don't know what to do with myself I'm so confused. I've only known living with Jason. Going to sleep in our bed, with his scent everywhere is okay and perfect but when I wake up alone.. It's just to much to take. You dont know how many times I've wanted to end it all. Just be with him again, forever." I was staring at the floor crying. I heard Micheal sigh and pull his long sleeve shirt up "Vi look at this. I do get how you feel to a certain extent. You want to end it, I do to. You lost someone you loved, I did too, you just loved him a lot differently. I was there with you through his death and through the first time. I couldn't protect you from the other times, I'm sorry fot that. I promised Jase I'd protect you and I failed at that.. I hate myself for that. I don't have answers for most things but I do know that he would not want to see us acting and feeling like this. He'd be kicking both our tails if he was here." I stiffened a chuckle "Yeah you're right Micheal." I wiped my face with my jacket sleeve. Little does Micheal know, I can't stop. I stood up and walked to my room, I shut and locked the door.

I layed down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I felt tears run down my face. I grabbed the photo of me and Jason off the nightstand. "I'm so sorry.. I should have done something, I could've tried harder!" I got up and grabbed my box, along with my blade. I did some lines on the mirror then did some lines on my wrist. I felt release

Ring, ring, ring "Urghh" I looked at the caller id and didn't recognize the number but hesitantly answered


"Hey slut! Surprised you answered."

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Just wanted to say thanks for killing Elizabeth, you really helped me out with that. I'm just glad I didn't have to do it myself. "

"I didn't do it! I didn't kill her! It was Kyle! Wait, you would seriously kill your own daughter?"

She started laughing "Of course I would. She was getting in my way. Kyle only did it because I told him to"

"Well that makes sense I mean you only killed you 3 husbands just to get their money. I know you were behind Jason's death as well." She got silent "Awe someone upset now that someone knows her secret?"

"Shut the hell up. You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh? You sure about that?"

"Tell anyone and you're fucking dead! You hear me, dead!" She hung up the phone. I laughed to myself. Time to call Officer Hamilton.

"Officer Hamilton here."

"Hey it's Violet. I just got a call from Jasons mom. I recorded the call cause I didnt know the number. There's some interesting information here. Can you come by?"

"Great. Of course, give me 20."

"Okay. See ya."

I walked into the living room, I saw Micheal, Ray, Randy and Hunter sitting on the couch watching football yelling at the tv over the Cowboys. I rolled my eyes and saw the score 20-3 in the 4th quarter, the Redskins were dominating. "Hell yeah! Go Skins! Nice jersey Hunt." He looked up and smiled. "Yall clean these beer cans and chips up please. Officer Hamilton is gonna be here in 20." They looked up confused. "I received a call from Jasons mom, her ass is going down." I gave them a confident smile. They nodded and returned to the game quickly. "Okay, that means now! Redskins are going to win obviously so no point in sitting there watching your precious Cowboys get their asses headed to them." Ray, Randy and Michael cut their eyes at me. I just laughed and took a swig of Hunters beer. "Hey that was mine. Now go fetch me another." He said playfully. I grinned at him, "okay? And? Not the first time sweetie." He smiled "Yeah, and if you're lucky Vi it won't be the last." I smiled at headed to the kitchen.


There was a knock at the door and I knew it was officer Hamilton. "Hey Violet. How's it going?" I smiled and ushered him inside "It's going." He nodded "Well let's get down to business. May I listen to this recording?" I nodded and handed him the phone once I got it pulled up. He looked shocked, and nodded. He then plugged my phone into a little tape recoder looking thing and it played out loud. He unplugged it and handed the phone back to me. "Well she definitely won't be bothering you anymore. We had a feeling her husband's death wasn't accidental, well now instead of three it'll be four. And Kyle will be charged with 9 counts rape, one count murder. We are still trying for Jasons death. Have a nice day Ms. Violet, gentlemen." I walked him towards the front door and locked it behind him.

I let out a sigh of relief and slumped on the couch between Ray and Hunter. I'm completely exhausted, yeah I've slept but worry and stress will wear you out just as much if not more than physical stuff. I laid my head on Hunters shoulder and closed my eyes for a little bit. "Hahaha you thought you could get rid of me. Think again slut! You'll never get rid of me!" It was Jasons mom I turned and ran only to run straight into Kyle "aww I knew you couldn't resist me. You are mine!! I will have you!" I was being shaken, I woke up in a jolt, to see the guys looking at me worriedly. I jumped up and grabbed my pack of cigarettes and the lighter and walked out the door. I sat on the steps outside thinking and smoking. "Stupid shit! Even in my dreams I'm not safe from them!"

I heard someone clear their throat, I turned around quickly to see Hunter standing there looking at me. "Sorry didn't mean to startle you. Mind if I join you?" I just shrugged my shoulders. "I'm sorry about everything, I don't really know what to say. I mean when something happens you hold it all inside, I don't know what's ever bothering you. It drives me crazy sometimes." I looked at him "Why?" He sighed "Cause I want to know everything about you, I care about you more than I have ever cared for someone." I just stared at him, I didn't know what to say. I felt my insides get all flippy and gooey, I liked what I heard but, the timing. Am I ready to move on? Can we make it work? He makes me happy and I forget my worries and problems. Maybe I should try. I gave him a big smile and kissed his soft sweet lips. "I guess you probably know my next question, statement, sentence huh?" I smiled "I think so but tell me anyway." He chuckled "Well Violet, you make me so happy, I think about you constantly, I can't seem to take my eyes of your gorgeous face and beautiful eyes. I want to be the one that wipes your tears away and makes you forget everything around you. I want to wake up to you in the mornings and fall asleep holding you. Will you be mine?" I giggled and jumped him into a huge hug I kissed him hard on the lips "Of course.!"

Maybe now things will start turning around.

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