-Chatper Eleven- She knows

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The feast went on, some elves sat down to eat while some remained on the dance floor. Irithiel stood against a pillar, watching the king. He was talking to citizens. She smiled at his kindness.

Galandriel saw that Irithiel was alone and decided now would be a good time to talk to her. She slowly walked till she reached her.

"He is known as a cold-hearted king," She spoke. Irithiel snapped her head, looking at the fair lady before her "though, under his icy gaze lies a broken heart." Irithiel realised who was talking to her and immediately bowed.

"Lady Galandriel." She stood up. Galadriel's face went serious, deciding it was time to talk to her about that.

"Irithiel, you bear great power

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"Irithiel, you bear great power." She spoke. Irithiel frowned

"What do you mean, my lady?" Galandriel smirked.

"I know of what happened in the gardens, Irithiel." The mortal's eyes widened.

"Wha- how?" She breathed out. She then remembered galandriel bore great power too. She was able to enter the minds beings. She smiled down at her.

"Irithiel, you are no ordinary pirate." The lady whispered. "My dear, you are a Sorceress of Salem." Irithiel snorted.

"I'm a What?" Irithiel asked with a chuckle, but her smile faded when she saw Galadriel's stern face.

"I speak the truth." No, she couldn't be! "Irithiel, the scar that lies on you forearm is the witches mark." She said, grabbing hold of Irithiel's arm, pulling her scar into view. "Child, has anything happened that is, out of the ordinary?" She asked. Irithiel thought for a moment.

"Actually, now that I think about it, there have been a few occasions in the past." She said with furrowed brows. This was true. Once Irithiel was having trouble lighting a fire. All she did was close her eyes and wish it would start, and it did. Galandriel nodded.

"I see. And does the scar ever burn?" Irithiel's eyes widened. She looked down and nodded. "That my dear is the power wanting to be let out." She raised her eyebrow as another thought came to her mind. "Irithiel, can you try taking off your necklace?" The lady of the light asked.

Irithiel looked confused but did as she asked, only, the necklace wouldn't come off. She panicked, pulling at it. Galandriel shushed her and took her hands in her own.

"It is as I thought. The necklace has become one with your soul." Galandriel wouldn't tell her that this meant Vossler could enter her mind now. It would just worry her. "My child, if you ever hear voices in you mind, you must NEVER listen to them." Irithiel nodded trying to take all this information in. A tear slipped down her cheek. Galadriel's eyes softened.

"Do not despair, my dear for good will come out of this. Mithrandir will remain in the Woodland Realm. He will teach you of powers, helping you train them." Irithiel smiled at the thought that she would be seeing more of Gandalf.

"After tonight, I will return back to where I reside. If ever you need something, my dear, the forest of Lorien will welcome you." Irithiel bowed her head down and Galandriel walked away.

Irithiel decided she needed to sit down. She was feeling a bit light headed after all that. She walked towards the tables where the food sat. All of a sudden she grew hungry, staring at the wide variety of food before her. She picked up a plate and started placing different foods on it. Once she decided she had enough food she went to take a seat but was stopped by an elf.

"My lady, Irithiel. Your seat is next to the kings."
He said guiding her to the head of the table where the king sat. It's not that she had a problem with being next to Thranduil, but that dance stirred up mixed emotions that she wasn't sure of. And she didn't like it.

Thranduil's eyes fell on her as the elf pulled out the chair for her to sit on. Irithiel smiled thankfully and sat down. Her eyes met that of the king. She smiled shyly and turned her attention to her food. Thranduil couldn't blame her. He too was a bit flustered after their intimate dance. He turned his attention back to Lord Elrond who was on his right-hand side. Beside Irithiel sat Legolas who was talking to Gandalf who sat next to him.

A burning sensation in her head caused Irithiel to softly wince. She quickly looked around to see if anyone noticed, which no one did. She blinked her eyes trying to rid herself of the pain. But instead, She heard a whisper. It said her name. It called out to her. Irithiel, Irithiel. It spoke over and over again. She rubbed the temples of her head trying to rid the sound.

"Irithiel!" Irithiel's eyes snapped open to see the prince staring at her in worry, with his hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" He asked. She looked around to see the rest of the table also staring at her, including The King. She tried to steady her breath.

"I... I think I need, some f-fresh air." She said shakily as she slowly stood up from the table rushing off to find herself a balcony. No one tried stopping her as they had a pretty good idea in what happened. Gandalf was the first to break the silence.

"It has started."


Irithiel stumbled her way to a balcony. The cool air was uncomfortable at first but her body slowly adjusted to the temperature. She stepped further out resting her hands on the rail, staring out at the view. Her thoughts wandered somewhere they hadn't been in a long time. The ships.

Yes, her life on the ships had not been easy. The people, the quarters, everything about life on the corsairs were less than pleasant. But at the end of the day, what truly made her miss the ships was the feeling of being out in the sea, travelling to new lands, always on the brink of adventure. The missed that too. Yes, her life since she had come to Mirkwood too have been... eventful, but was it enough? Her heart sank when she remembered her friend Ramos.

They had first met when Vossler was recruiting new sailors. Ramos was looking for a way to support his family as his mother was sick. He did not have a heart that of a pirate. He was pure and kind. That's must've been the reason he and Irithiel became friends. She wondered what he would be thinking. What they all would be thinking. What Vossler would be thinking.

Irithiel felt as if she was betraying him. And she was! Though, She didn't think she would feel guilty about it. Sure, he was a horrible man who put his own life above everyone else's, but he gave her a home aboard those ships. Did she owe him? More importantly, did he know? Did he know she was a sorceress? She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

Maybe she could go back. In a way, she wanted to. Oh how she longed to be on the sea. Though she enjoyed her life here and the people, she didn't belong. She has never belonged.

Hey beautiful people! I want to take a sec to explain what type of witch she is.

For those of you who have seen the vampire diaries, I'm basing the witches from there.

If you haven't, these sorts of witches use incantations in the Latin language to perform magic.
Say Irithiel wants to do a spell, I will create a phrase in Latin for that spell. It will not be put in italics as you will be able to tell it's Latin.
They use hand gestures and some simple spells can even be used by just the mind.
So if ya have questions, shoot!

Q. If you could bring back a character from The Hobbit that died, who would it be? (Ahhh I feel so mean asking that question!)

A. I honestly can't choose!!!

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