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I made my last drop of the night and sunk down to the ground near the corner store. I took in all of my surroundings. Trash everywhere, dogs barking, street lights flickering.

This is no place for us.

I buried my face in the palm of my hand, thinking about how Crystal would flip if she found out I had been selling drugs to put a roof over our head.

She thinks I work as an assistant. I had to buy a work suit and everything to convince her. But once I’m on these streets, the suit goes in a plastic bag and hidden until I finally walk home.

I can’t let anyone see me in a damn business suit. Out here it’s all about respect. And you ain’t gonna get none looking like you a rich person.

I didn’t notice my eyes formed tears until I felt a cold wet spot on my jeans.

I quickly wiped it away and let out a deep sigh. I’m so tired.

"Aye ma, what you doing out here all alone?" 

I looked up and saw one fine ass dude. I didn’t know what to say because guys don’t usually talk to me. And even if they did, I’d shoot ‘em down anyway.

"Nothing, just finished what I had to do actually…" I said with my head down. You can’t tell just anybody if you sell drugs. Shit, he might be the feds.

"Can I help you up?" he asked. He held out his hand and smiled at me, giving me a glance at the grill on the bottom row of teeth.

I looked down at his hand and hesitated before grabbing it and hopping up. I brushed the dirt off of my booty and noticed that he was still holding my hand. I slowly pulled away because I was uncomfortable by the awkwardness.

"You hungry?" he asked breaking the silence.

"Look man, ain’t no nigga just going to be nice to a stranger. What do you want?" I said bluntly. It was the truth. The hood ain’t no generous place.

"I was just asking ma… How about you let me take you home?" he glanced over at his black Lambo and that shit was nice. I started walking towards it in awe.

"What do you do?" 

He chuckled and replied, “you can say I run these streets. Me and my boys.”

I was shocked. My boss’s boss was talking to me! Nobody gets to even see their face, let alone ride with them. I heard the doors unlock and cautiously climbed in. I didn’t want to mess ANYTHING up.

I buckled up and looked around the car. Crystal and I don’t even have a car. We take the bus.

I saw the name ‘August' hanging from the mirror on the windshield. I kept quiet as he started it up and the engine roared loudly.

We stopped by Wendy’s and I ate my food hungrily. I was starving!

"Damn ma, slow down!" he laughed which made me feel a little embarrassed. I gulped down a bit of my drink to wash the food down.

"Look, I’ll pay you back as soon as I get some more—"

"Don’t worry about it." he gave me a big grin and caressed my face. I blushed and took another sip of my drink.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it’s no problem. What’s your name?"

"India." I fiddled with my fingers.

"Don’t be nervous baby. I’ll take care of you."


I woke up to the sun beaming in my eyes. I turned my face into the pillow and it smelled strongly of cologne.

Oh no.

I slowly looked to the side of me and saw August laying there, snoring his little ass off. I looked under the covers and we were both naked.

No, no, no, no. Crystal is going to kill me for not coming home! And I barely know this man! I don’t even remember what the fuck happened. To be honest, I was geeked as hell.

I sat up gently and buried my face in my palm. I seemed to do that a lot.

I automatically broke down at the thought of me having sex with a complete stranger. I cried silently but hard and just couldn’t stop the tears from leaving my eyes.

I slid off the bed and grabbed all of my belongings that were scattered on the floor. I quickly speed walked out of the house after all of my clothes were on and ran home.

I was in some deep shit.


ok, so leave feedback so i can feel good bout myself lol.

ily even if you just vote tho, ok? ok.

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