Imagine #9: Truth or Dare

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"Ooooh, I know what to do!! Let's play Truth or Dare!!!", said your best friend y/b/f/n. Right now you were at her Birthday Party and you guys were trying to figure out what to do, I mean, there were about 10 people and you all wanted to be entertained. Everyone simply replied with an "Ok!" or "Yeah!". To be honest, you were a bit nervous to play because one of the party guests happened to be your crush, Hayes Grier, but you obviously weren't going to turn down the offer. For about 10 minutes it was just people going back and forth asking each other the dreaded question "Truth or Dare?" until you heard something you were strongly hoping you wouldn't hear. "Y/n, Truth or Dare?" Said your best friend. You didn't want to seem lame in front of all these people, especially Hayes, so you said "Dare". "I dare you and Hayes to go in the closet together for 7 minutes." Oh, she knew you liked Hayes. You just thought this was her way of saying "Go for it girl!!". "Ok, I guess.", you said. You and Hayes walked into the closet and you just sat down. "What are you doing?", Hayes said. "Well, you probably don't want to kiss me or anything so I thought I would just sit down....", you said shyly. "Who said I wouldn't want to do anything with you?", Hayes said. It was that moment where time froze, a smile grew on your face as Hayes walked towards you. "Y/n, I've liked you for a while now and I've been waiting to do this.", Hayes said. "Do wh--", you were interrupted when a pair of soft lips were placed on yours. It was a very slow and sweet kiss. This is the moment where you knew, this was the kid you loved. This amazing blue-eyed goofball. "Y/n, will you do me the honor and become my girlfriend?", Hayes said. "I thought you'd never ask, Grier. Of course.", you replied. And that was the beginning of an infinity.

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