Chapter 3

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Shuichi POV
I opened my eyes from falling asleep on my chair. I quickly turned on the Tv infront of me and the static started. "How's it going?" I asked. "Fo...und i..t. I alre...ady sent i...t to ...yo..ur phone. D..o you ple...ase wit..h it." I smiled. "I knew you weren't useless." I was about to leave when my laptop poped up a body discovery announcement. That meant I needed to get back to everyone else and pretend nothing was wrong. I quickly walked to a hidden door and walked through it back into the killing game. I ran to where the body said it had been found and saw miu lying dead. This isn't good I'm running out of time fast.

***Time skip to after trial and execution***

Everyone seemed despairful but kaito decided to chirp up. "Look guys!" We can get through this okay!" He patted me on the back. "Cheer up buddy" I smiled "I guess so, but I need some time to think about things" I said walking to my room. I locked the door  and walked through another hidden door and went straight to kokichi. He was awake in bed and seemed lonely. "Hey. You'll hopefully be able to walk around freely today. I just need you to watch a little video and then you can walk around freely. I'll give you a tour don't worry." I turned my phone to the giant screen on the wall and connected it. I started the video.

Ouma POV
The video started as just a black screen, then there was white. It the two colours mixed and joined. My emotions went on a rollercoaster, I was deeply depressed then I was extremely happy and that went on for a while. My brain felt like it was switching my eyes changed into the black and white swirls. Until it ended. I didn't feel the same. Felt super depressed but so depressed it made me happy. "Do you understand now?" I heard shuichi say. I was overwhelmed with this feeling, it was amazing. "I-I get it." I smiled as my eye turned back to a purple. He untied me and I stood up, I immediately hugged him tightly. "Talk about Stockholm syndrome" I laughed. He smiled "Now we need to work on this" he said pointing at my outfit. "What about it?" I asked. "It's all dirty from the panta incident" He went into a wardrobe and grabbed out a white shirt. "Change into that just temporarily while I wash your uniform. Also I have a couple more surprises but I'll show you them more over time" I quickly changed into the shirt and gave my uniform to saihara~Chan, ooh, I like that nickname. The shirt was way too big for me and I was only wearing my boxers underneath. I sat on the bed awaiting for saihara~Chan to come back. He came back 19 minutes and 37 seconds later mostly because without him I was starting to feel anxiety so started counting. He came in with my usual clothes and more. "I want to dress you, it's a new outfit and a surprise so close your eyes" He took off the shirt and it took him a while to get me dressed and when he finished he giggled happily. "Okay okay I'm done" He faced me to what I assumed was a mirror. "Open up" I opened my eyes and was met with an amazing sight. I had my normal uniform with a monokuma hoodie on and in my hair was two small monokuma clips and Around my neck was a black spikey choker with a chain. I smiled widely "I love it!" I almost screamed. "But there's two versions" He stated. He held up my cloak and hat. "You can add these when you want" I smiled. He then held out his hand and I took it. He took me out the room of which I've never left and into a hallway. We walked down the hall and then what seemed to be a big machinery room with lots of monokuma parts. We walked to where there are a load of eyes and then walk to a glass case with one particular eye in it. Saihara~Chan lifted up the lid and picked it up. It was a normal looking eye except from the fact that It was red and glowing. "It's the latest prototype, the only one that made it through test's and can be used by human's and now it's yours, you'll along with me be a leader of the monokuma army, I mean they don't call you the ultimate supreme leader for nothing." He said as he unwrapped the bandages revealing my closed eye-socket, and then he got the eye and put it in. Once it was in I blinked a few times and smiled. Somehow I could see out of it and it was so robotic, I could only see despair through it but it reminded me of kiibo because the eye could do things like record, take photo's zoom in, anything a normal robot could do. Except from the only being able to see despair part and then out of nowhere there was a sound from another room that reminded me of the body announcement when I was in the killing game.

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