chapter 8

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Ouma POV
The train slowly came to a stop as we both got off. "Where do we go now?" I asked. "Guys I have good news! The ship I was talking about has taken a stop only 5 and a half minutes away at the docks but they are going to leave in 10 minutes so hurry!" Kiibo chirped up. "Good that" Shuichi smiled taking my hand as we set off for the docks.
When we arrived it didn't take long to spot the ship as it was huge. "We need to somehow get on" he said. I thought for a second, "How about we pretend that we're lost?" He patted me on the head "Good thinking, now put everything to do with monokuma or despair in the bag." I nodded and he did the same. As soon as we did we heard voices and laughter behind us. "- And so ibuki said- WHOA! Who are you?!" A girl with black hair and colours shouted. "W-we're lost. We have no clue what's going on!?" Shuichi said in his normal detective voice. "Have you been living under a rock or something! It's obviously the end of the world!" A blond boy in a suit spoke. "Well! For your information mr. Smarta-" I was cut off by saihara~Chan. "We just got out of a horrifying killing game actually so we have no where to go" They all gasped in shock and some of them looked although they were going to cry. Entirely fascinating. "No way! Another killing game. Dammit. Who was the mastermind?! Was it...Junko enoshima?! How could she still be alive?!" A brown haired boy spoke, but there was something about him...He had a red eye! "No, no! The mastermind was a girl named tsumugi, but she seemed entirely obsessed with junko enoshima. Also may I ask about your red eye." He frowned. "It's something I deeply regret. We all do. Being former remnants of despair. I'll never forgive myself." My eyes lit up. "NO FREAKING WAY! YOUR A REMANANT OF DE-" I was cut off by a hand connecting to my face with force and it send me to the floor. I laughed. Saihara~Chan slapped me, I feel truly blessed. "Is he okay?" A brown haired sporty looking girl asked.

Shuichi POV
"Yes, he's a bit.... broken from the event's of the killing game. He lost someone close to him. So you guys don't mind if we tag along right?" They all looked at each other "Sure, we'd be happy to have more guests." A white haired boy spoke. So we all made our way onto the boat and they showed me and kokichi to our shared room and we unpacked. "What are we going to do?" Kokichi asked sitting on the bed. The t.v. turned on a kiibo popped up. "He has a point." I felt the ship start to move as we descended from the docks. I sighed. "I honestly don't know" I grabbed kokichi's hand and led him to the main room where everyone was. "The brown haired boy walked over. Let's start with introductions" he stated. I nodded "Hello, my names shuichi saihara, I'm the ultimate detective." I gave a small smile. "HELLO!!! My name is kokichi ouma, I am the ultimate supreme liar! JK!!! I'm the ultimate supreme leader!" Ouma almost shouted. "Great. My name's hajime hinata I- uh. I'm technically from the reserve course but I'm also the ultimate hope" I gave no emotion. "Hey, the names nagito komaeda, ultimate lucky student"
After everyone introduced themselves we all sat around the table and chatted about our experiences in the killing games. Until "Hey! Shuichi! I forgo- Oh..." Kiibo came onto a screen in the room. "What the fuck is this shit!?" Fuyuhiko shouted. "I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce, him" I pointed. "Hey, I'm K1-BO. Call me kiibo, I'm the ultimate robot. Sorry for dropping by unannounced." Nagito stared truly intrigued "You have an A.I?" He asked. "Duh-Doy! Of course! He's our best friend kiiboi!!!" Ouma smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you kiibo. What's your story?" Hinata asked. "Well I was created by the ultimate inventor miu iruma but unfortunately she died in the killing game so I became friends with shuichi and he saved me at the last second from being deleted by the mastermind tsumugi" Nagito gave a cautious look and whispered something to hajime. Shit, I think they might be onto us. Is it something kiibo said? "Well, I'm sorry for your loss kiibo but excuse me. I'm going to get some rest." He walked out followed by hiyoko, ibuki, mahiru, fuyuhiko, byakuya and peko. The rest stayed and chatted a bit more some of them grabbing drinks. Ouma decided he was tired and left too. I sat there silently for a second. "What's with the eyepatches?" Nagito scooted over and asked. "Ah, you could say I have the same as hajime. A red eye. I dunno where it came from. If your wondering about ouma. He lost an eye during the game. He'll get pretty defensive if you ask him to take off his eyepatch." I lied. He stared at me a second "Tell me, tsumugi shirogane. Isn't she the ultimate cosplayer? How did she turn out to be the mastermind?" He seemed a bit too cautious of me but I can't slip up and I need to remain confident. "She revealed herself as the mastermind after we voted for her. She executed herself. There were originally six of us but three of us ,maki, kaito and himiko died during the giant explosions that happened after the game ended. I-I just m-miss t-the- I-I need to g-go-" I faked tears and rushed out of there to go back to the room.

Ahhhhhh! Help!!!! I don't know where I'm going with this!!!!

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