Chapter 10

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Nagito POV
I was late and I had heard a commotion from in the kitchen. I decided not to make myself known and secretly watched what was going on. I heard fuyuhiko say "What did I tell you, suspicious, did you see the look on his face when his bandage fell off, he was obviously panicking like hell and shuichi looked terrified." They said some other stuff before they eventually left. I'm not gonna lie, Fuyuhiko's right, they are acting sorta weird but it's better not to inform hajime unless it's that bad. I walked into the kitchen and straight to Akane. "What happened?" She turned to me. "Ah, nagito. Shuichi was chasing kokichi for taking a photo of him and kokichi's bandage fell off, not much." She said as she gulped down a cup of water. "Are you sure that's all?" I questioned. "Hmmm. Now that you ask, well, I think I might have gotten a small glimpse of kokichi's eye" I got concerned "Shuichi told me he lost an eye during the killing game." It was now akane's turn to look concerned. "Whoa, but I'm sure it looked like he had one. I didn't get a full look but I saw a bit of red, I mean like glowing red." I sighed. I hoped that everyone would get along without secrets, I guess I was wrong. "Anyway, thanks for the info Akane." I said as I walked out the door and heard her shout "No problem nagito!" I knew exactly where I was going next. I stood outside fuyuhiko's door and knocked. "Come in" I heard as I pushed it open. "I heard about what happened earlier. I also heard that you were suspicious of shuichi and kokichi, why's that?" I asked. "Well hello to you too. anyway, I just thought that they're acting so casual in such circumstances. Probably nothing though." I thought for a second. "Actually, tommorow when everyone goes to breakfast, meet me outside my room, I have an idea" He gave me a small glance "Sure, okay" I walked out and went to my room.

I awoke in the morning to an alarm. I quickly got dressed and stood outside my room. I had people walk past me saying good morning until I finally saw fuyuhiko and Peko walk up to me. "What's your idea?" Fuyuhiko asked. "You'll see" we walked to shuichi and kokichi's room and I unlocked and opened the door. "Nagito! What the fuck are you doing?" He asked grabbing my arm. I smiled "confirming suspicion." Is all I said as I walked in. "I do not think this is safe" Peko finally spoke as they both followed me in. I ignored her though and walked straight to shuichi's bag. I unzipped it and started to look through "Dammit nagito! Your still a crazy bastard!" I then seemed to find what I was looking for. Two monokuma clips and a monokuma plush bear. I felt something else heavy in the bag but it was in a different compartment. It took me a while to find as it was pretty hidden I was about to open it when I heard Peko gasp.

Kokichi POV
We were both in the breakfast hall chatting away with other people when kiibo came on the screen he seemed worried. "Hey uh, shuichi, you left something in your room" He said. " Did I? I guess I'll go check" I perked up "I wanna come too!" We quickly left and when we got to our room we noticed it was open. We glanced at each other as shuichi put his hand on the handle an opened the door, me standing right behind him. We saw nagito crouching by shuichi's bag and fuyuhiko standing there both looking at us. "What are you doing?" Shuichi asked. "Why so much monokuma stuff?" Nagito asked as he grabbed both our bags showing us the monokuma stuff. "Its just from the killing game. It was all that's left" shuichi replied. Shuichi's eyes started darting around. "Just from the killing game, huh? Tsumugi wasn't the mastermind. She was killed with the others." Nagito shot at shuichi. I felt shuichi's hand creep to intertwine with mine. I sighed. This was a bad idea. "How do you know?" Shuichi asked. "I looked into files on the last killing game. Somehow there were results on your exact one stating the mastermind got away supposedly with a hostage or ally" That was it for shuichi. He snached both the bags out of nagito's hands and ran pulling me along with him, he seemed to know where he was going. I heard the footsteps running behind us, I looked back and saw that Peko had turned into the breakfast room to tell everyone of the events. We turned a few corners until we got to a lot of metal stairs and we sped down them. After going down quite far we ended up in a hallway which had only one door at the end. We ran until we got to that door and went in locking it behind us.

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