Chapter 13

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I can't even express how sorry I am for this chapter even existing. I swear it gets better by the end of the story.

okichi POV
We stayed there for quite a while. I was miserable though and I didn't like the children at all. I wanted to leave I couldn't take it here any longer. "Shuichi?" I asked. "Yeah" He said as he studied a peace of paper. "When can we go?" He looked at me. "You want to leave?" I nodded my head innocently. At that exact moment there was a noise outside. We both ran into the main area "She's here! Omg! I never thought she'd come!!" We heard Monica shouting. We ran in and saw the children crowding someone. "Move aside children!" I heard a feminine voice order. A few seconds later a woman walked out from them I had no clue who she was but shuichi was practically drooling at the mouth at the sight of her. "Junko enoshima! I've been searching so long to find you!" I almost gagged from the jealousy I was feeling, now for the anger. "THIS IS WHAT WE WERE LOOKING FOR?! I QUIT!" I shout as I throw my arms in the air. "Boy. Do you know who your talking to?" Junko said. "I don't know! And I don't care. If kiibo died for this bitch then I QUIT." Shuichi seemed utterly shocked at my outburst. Junko's face went dark "YOU-" She walked up to me "-Are a very brave boy to talk to the queen of despair like that" My heart dropped and felt like I could vomit. I just shouted at the queen of despair. I stood there, silent. "Ahhh! No! They're after ussss!" We all heard kotoko cry. "I knew it was a bad idea to invite junko!" Nagisa shouted. "What the actual fuck is going on?!" Junko said. "Future foundation. Th-they know your here and they want us all to come out or they're destroying the whole building."   Junko gasped. "I'm shocked that they knew I was here in the first place" Shuichi spoke up. "Is there any hidden way out" The children shook their heads. Just then an A.I appeard on the screen. "The future foundation want you all to surrender. You have ten minutes." The brown haired A.I spoke as a timer started. "Well, I guess we have go give up. We need to make sure junko is protected" Nagisa announced. Junko sat on a chair looking bored and sighed. "Nah, you guys can go outside if you want but I refuse to surrender."
"You realise we are going to die if we stay here. But I mean whatever you say junko" Shuichi said. Junko went silent and so did the rest of us. This stayed for a couple minutes until "You guys have three more minutes to come outside." I visibly started to get nervous. "U-uh, so are we staying here?" Junko smiled. "Of course" Time went by fast. One minute left. The children stood together as junko stood in front of them. I looked at saihara~chan. He stood still and almost looked paralysed. "S-saihara~ chan?" Ten seconds left. He turned and smiled at me. He pulled me into a hug. 5 seconds left. "See you" I was about to say something but I felt myself fall backwards as I saw him right over me. I heard noises, explosions. I realised what he was doing. "Saihara~Chan no!" I tried to get out from under his grasp but it was too late something heavy fell on top of us and I remember him falling onto me then I knocked out. I awoke to the sounds of men. I pushed a lifeless body off me. Tears fell from my eyes. Only one thing stopped me from running, my leg was caught under a peice of rubble. A guy in a suit saw me "Hey, guys! Over here! Someone is alive!!" Many more people started to surround me. "Wait. Makoto, he might be part of the despair." They both looked at some files. "He's not one. He's put down as a hostage. He was taken hostage by shuichi saihara...him" He pointed at the body I refused to look at. They both struggled but succeeded to free my leg. It was heavily broken, there was no way I could walk. One guy lifted me up and walked me away from the scene. I saw the bodies of the children being slowly lifted out, junko's body was the last to be found. It was a disgusting mess and I looked away. They took me to a hospital and it took me a while to recover.

***5 years later***
??? POV
"Wow he lived longer than I suspected. O-M-G!"

"Shut up"

Kokichi's POV
I walked through the streets with sunglasses over my eyes and a black rucksack. I looked at the new city that had been build. I walked into the future foundation building but I had no intention of joining or anything like that. "Oh, hey kokichi, hajime and the others are here by the way" makoto said as I walked past him and straight into the elevator. I had gone mute after the accident so no one knew my voice, I guess they'd find me annoying anyway, all I do is lie. The elevator stopped at the roof as I walked out and opened the rucksack. I pulled out my black cloak and hat from 5 years ago and put them on. One last thing to make me useful. I took out a remote with a button on it. I looked over the edge of the building at all the people below. I heard a ding from the elevator as I saw makoto and hajime walk out. "Kokichi? What are you doing?" Hajime asked. I turned to completely face them I swung the remote in front of me I only had three final words that I managed to say in a breathless voice and this will be last time these words will be spoken "See. You. There" I clicked the button. As the building started to shake. I smiled and let myself fall back until I felt nothing. Saw nothing. Smelt nothing. Felt nothing. Heard nothing.

If you think I'm going to let it end there then. NOOOOPE Roll to next/ last chapter.

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