Scene 6

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Scene 6

Back at the Cowen house, Josh and Aaron are in the living room. Josh is wearing headphones playing on his phone.

Aaron: Sitting on the couch. Josh how was your day? (silence) annoyed he yells. Josh!

Josh: Taking off his headphones, looking at him. What?

Aaron: Looking at Josh I asked you how your day was.

Josh: Taken off-guard by his question he hesitantly answers. Oh, It was good.

Aaron: Asking him with a surprised voice. It was, did anything happen between you and your sister today.

Josh: No

Aaron: Disappointed using a soft voice. Josh I got a phone call, I know you yelled at her.

Josh: sounding sad he gets up. Did she call you?

Aaron: Looking towards Josh. No, she called Dad and he told me to talk to you.

Josh: Yelling and walking away. Why does this family hate me?

Aaron: Getting up yelling after him. We don't hate you.

Josh: Still yelling looks back. Yes you do.

Aaron: Talking softly, walking over to him. Josh, we don't hate you, were tough on you because we love you.

Josh: Slightly quieter stopping and talking directly at Aaron. It doesn't sound like you love me.

Aaron: Love doesn't always sound nice and heartfelt, love also sounds like anger and hate, unless it's from someone other than family then we'll need to talk.

Josh: Really?

Aaron: Yes.

Josh: Thanks for talking to me Aaron.

Aaron: You're welcome Josh, talk to me anytime you want.

Lights dim. All exit.

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