Part 17

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Kaminari seemed nervous this time. Like 'twiddling his thumbs, looking down at the ground, biting his lip' nervous.

"Hey, Sero?" His voice was smaller, less confident. Sero didn't like it much. He preferred the extra confident Denki Kaminari everybody knew to this version.

"What is it, Kami?" Come to think of it, this was the only time Kaminari had shown up at his dorm room unexpectedly by himself. If he did ever show up unannounced, he was usually with another member of the Bakusquad. But today he was by himself, and that was a little odd.

"Um," Kaminari scratched the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his Sero had picked up on. "Are you my appendix? Because I don't understand how you work but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out."

Sero was speechless for a few moments, and Kaminari looked dejected.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Just forget I said anything."

"No, wait," Sero said, placing a hand on the electric blond's arm. "Are you..." He paused, thinking a moment. "Are you asking me out?"

"Uh, yeah. I've been flirting with you, like, all wee-"

"Wait, you were, like, actually flirting with me? It wasn't just a prank or something?"

"Yes, I was actually flirting with you. Why would that be a prank?"

"I don't know, sometimes the stuff you do doesn't really make sense."

There was a beat of uncomfortable silence.

"So, um, you never really answered my question. Well, it wasn't really a question but it was kinda implied there was a question there so-"


"What?" Kaminari looked up at Sero from where he had previously been looking at the carpet underneath his feet.

"Yeah, I'd love to go out with you."

"Really? You really mean that?" Kaminari was practically vibrating with excitement and the air around him was crackling from his quirk.

"Yes, I really mean it. Now calm down before you zap me." Sero had long taken his hand off the other boy's arm as a safety precaution.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that." Kaminari reined in his quirk and made sure it didn't accidentally zap his- Wait. What should he call Sero? Crush wasn't the right word anymore, but it seemed to early to call him a boyfriend. It didn't matter really, because he was going on a date with Hanta Sero, the boy he'd had a crush on from the minute they'd met. Kaminari was ecstatic. And if the massive smile on his face was anything to go by, Sero was pretty happy too.

"So, um, when are you free?" Kaminari asked, a little timidly. He hadn't actually thought he'd get this far, but he had a list of ideas for the perfect first date. Man, Ashido was gonna go wild when she heard about this.

"Well, Friday and Saturday we have the remedial lessons, but on Sunday I don't really have anything to do."

"Yeah, I'm free on Sunday too." He really wasn't. He had promised Kirishima he would study with him, but he hoped to God the redhead would understand. "Does noon work?"

"Yeah, noon works for me."

"Alright. See you tomorrow, Ser-"

"Hanta. Call me Hanta."

"Alright, Hanta. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, Ka-"

"Try again."

"Denki. See you tomorrow, Denki."


And with that, Denki walked away.

Kaminari has Terrible Pickup Lines {Kamisero}Where stories live. Discover now