Part 28

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It was their 5th anniversary, and they went out to dinner to celebrate.

"Hey, um, Hanta?" Denki had been hyped up all day (something Hanta found adorable), but now he was nervous. 'Twiddling his thumbs, looking down at the ground, biting his lip' nervous.

"Yeah, what's up, Denki?"

"Uh, okay." Denki got down on one knee (his good one, Hanta noted. His bad one was stretched out in front of him, which Hanta was grateful for.) "When a penguin finds a mate, they stay with them for the rest of their life." Denki took the black velvet box out of his pocket, and Hanta slapped a hand over his own mouth. "What I was wondering, Hanta Sero, was," Denki continued, opening the box. Hanta may have been crying. "Will you be my penguin?" Denki, looked up at Hanta, face full of hope.

Hanta nodded his head, falling to his knees (careful to avoid hitting Denki's bad leg) and hugging his fiancé. "Yes, yes, oh my god, yes. Of course, Denki. A thousand times, yes." He was definitely crying now.

"Okay, penguin, can we get up now? My leg's starting to hurt," Denki said, using the new pet name for Hanta.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." So Hanta got to his own feet, helping Denki get to his as well before kissing the blond passionately. The restaurant erupted in cheers and applause for the 2 budding heroes and new fiancés.

The pair sat down, now on the same side of the booth they had previously been sitting across from each other in. Denki slid over the black velvet box containing the ring. "You don't have to wear it if you don't want to."

"No, I'm gonna wear it," Hanta said, opening the box to examine the ring. It was a plain silver color on the outside with the words "Forever and Always" engraved on it.

"Look on the inside," Denki said excitedly.

So, Hanta did. The inside was golden in color, and if you held it just right and looked very carefully, you could see the words "Chargebolt and Cellophane" engraved on the inside. "Chargebolt and Cellophane. Forever and always. Denki, you big sap, oh my god." Hanta said, tackling his fiancé in a hug and kissing his face all over. "I love you so much, y'know that Denki?"

"Course I know, Hanta. You did just agree to marry me, right? I didn't hear you wrong?"

"No, you heard me right. I'm gonna marry you. Oh my God Denki. We're getting married. I'm gonna marry you. I'm going to get married to the love of my life."

Denki was blushing a little. "I love you so much, Hanta," Denki said, pressing a kiss to the taller man's cheek.

"I love you too, Denki."

While Hanta and Denki were attacking each other with kisses in one side of the booth, a waitress came by with a piece of cake for the happy couple.

"Thank you," Hanta said as she set the plate down.

"Oh, no problem. And congratulations you two."

"Thank you so much," Denki said, grabbing one of the two forks on the plate to start eating his celebratory cake with.

The waitress walked away, leaving Hanta to pick up his fork and take an experimental bite of the cake. "This is really good," he said after swallowing.

"I know. Here, have some more," Denki said, holding out his fork for Hanta to eat the bite of cake off the end.

And that was how their day ended, feeding each other bites of cake between kisses, Hanta with a ring on his finger. 

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