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I woke up with Sal asleep in my arms, he's so precious when he sleeps, shit! i am such a sinner, how could i have slept with him...

I heard a sound. Aw his yawns are cute.

"Did you sleep good?" He asked stretching his arms out sitting up.

"Yeah" i replied softly

"You okay, you seem upset" He asked

"Yeah just thinking, its weird not to wake up to screaming"

"Bad weird?"

"No, its nice."

he reached out to hold my hand, and i held onto his, he asked what i wanted for breakfast, Blueberry pancakes my fave! He started cooking the pancakes, i never knew he could cook. and i helped set up the plates.

We talked all breakfast, we had our legs intertwined under the table, i don't think he minded he didn't bring it up. He almost choked on pancake i made him laugh so much.

We got ready for the day, and headed down to Larry's place. we held hands most of the 2 minuet trip. It was lovely.

We got to Larry's door and Sal knocked. 

He immediately opened the door.

"Hey dudes" he said happily

"Hey Lar" Sal said keeping our fingers together

"How was your sleep lil dude" Larry asked him

"Amazing, no nightmares!" He said with a huge smile.

I looked at my feet and blushed.. was it because i was there?

"Common in guys, don't be strangers" Larry said with a smile

Me and Sal sat on his couch while he got ready. We sat silently, I still cant believe last night happened...

I looked at the time, noon, oh my i had to go.

"Sal tell Larry i had to go, my dad is probably cursing me out." I kissed him on the cheek and sped walked out of Larry's apartment.

"Be careful, if that bastard Father of yours puts a hand on you, you can always meet me here " He said standing up trying to walk to me.

I ran home going through the thoughts of what Father would do to me, what i'd have to show off Monday at school, what i'd have to explain to Sal and Larry. The pain i'd go through...

I got home and opened the door quietly. Father was waiting for me with the strap...

"care to explain young man?" he said demanding

"Father, sorry i have disobeyed you, I've sinned. I can take the punishment" I said getting ready for the wacks

"Travis Phelps, explain everything to me, Now or you get 10 times the punishment." he said forcefully 

"Father, i was with Sally and Larry, we watched a movie and ate pizza, we talked and hung out. I knew you'd never let me just talk and hang out with them, i'm sorry I've sinned."

The strap went across my stomach and my lower back more times then i can remember, I let out little whimpers, I should be tougher then this by now.. 

"Whats on your neck young man, you didn't..." Father sounded disappointed.

"I-i.. " i couldn't spit it out

" You what young man" he shouted

"I kissed him, I like Sal" It came out forced, i shouted it.

"Your not my son! my son is not a SINNER, how could you do this to our family name!" he screamed in anger

I didn't see what happened next, All i remember is seeing his face drop when i said it, i closed my eyes, the pain was so much that i couldn't feel it anymore. I didn't think i'd see tomorrow, Father stopped, He walked over me, Tears pouring out of my eyes. I was curled up into a ball.

He started yelling at whoever was there, They must have seen me, the next thing i knew i heard a yelling. Sal?

Someone was covering me.

"Sal" i mumbled out

His face was stuck in my side, i heard the strap, he was holding my sweatshirt tightly.

"You shouldn't be treating your son like this" I heard him yell.

"I take care of him how i want to" Father had lost his temper.

I heard alarms. The police? Larry must be here, I stayed still. Sal still cradled me.

The strap stopped and i heard father yell. The police must have taken him but I didn't want him to be taken, he's the only family i have, mother is silent she cooks and cleans. I cried and cried. Sal tried to calm me, he ran his hands through my short blonde hair, tears pouring.

I felt Sal's hand connect with mine, i felt warm inside, i felt safe.

I Liked It... ( Travis X Sally Face )Where stories live. Discover now