Chapter 5

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I was in shock by the pages of us, did he seriously like me...  i cant believe i haven't realized all this time wondering. 


"Ah! what is that thing on your face?"

"Its a prosthetic"

"what the fuck happened to your face??" Travis basically yelled while staring at my face.

"I'd rather not talk about what happened"

He ripped my prosthetic off, i was mortified. Larry was there to grab it back before anyone else saw. But Travis saw how ugly i was. He laughed called me a freak. I never wanted to leave the house again. 

"AHA, The fuck your face is messed up! You need god" he snorted

 "Back off Travis" Larry tried to protect me. but i saw what was underneath.


I stared at all the pictured of us, how he drew us, every pen stroke was placed perfectly. Something about this made me feel, better.. i cant describe what it made me feel completely but it was flattering?

I wanted to talk to Travis i wanted to know him, i wanted to know the person under that character.

I heard about a thousand fast knocks on my apartment door , thank lord my dad wasn't home, I swung open the door to see Travis holding out text books. 

"Travis i-i didnt know you.." he cut me off 

"Just give me the books... My dads already going to beat me when he finds out i wasnt working on the project" he held my books out.

his eyes filled with tears and he closed them making a couple run down his face.

i put my thumb to his cheek to wipe tears from his face.I offered him into the apartment.

"You can sit down if you want we can work on the math project"

"What, i only came to drop of-" i cut him off

"So your dad doesn't lay a hand on you"

A little smile appeared on his face. his cheeks went pink, i couldn't help but stare 

"I didn't bring the papers" 

"Its okay we could just talk.."

"Sal, i've wanted to tell you for a bit, and since you saw the book.."


"I love you, I love you Sally Face" 

It gave me a shock, He l-loved me?

there was an awkward pause. The walkie talkie turned on.

"Hey Sal, can i come up i need to talk" Larry's voice scared Travis and I.

"Hey Lar, ill come down in 10 minuets okay" Larry responded with cool and i could talk to Travis for a couple minuets 

"hey Travis.. Maybe we could get to know each other more, before ya know..."

"Sure! I mean, I'm not a fag!" Travis exclaimed

"Travis, Its okay, .. you dont have to hide it from me.."

"I'm not a fucking homo, God would never love me! ... my dad would never love me..." he said slowly getting sniffles.

"Your dad doesn't matter, You need to be yourself Travis, I want to help you."

He grabbed his text books and put on his shoes.

"Travis were are you going"

"Home" he said with anger

"I'm walking you."

I went up and held his hand like in the bathroom, his hand is so comforting, we walked to his house, talking about life and interests. I got to know him. We got to his house.

It looked perfect flower garden, perfectly cubic. and a cross above the door. It looks like a perfectly put together family lived there, yet such a dangerous one does.

He invited me in since i invited him into mine.

I heard his dad yell from the other room.

"Travis that was a fast project, care to explain" i heard his father get up and walk towards us.

"I brought Sally over to work on it, Father"

"Oh, Well let me meet this young lady, Give me a moment Travis"

I am not a young lady, nore will i ever be, i hate it when people assume in a lady because of my name.

His father walked into the front room were we were standing.

"Demon child! Leave this house this instant! Travis how could you bring such a disgrace into this house hold. Haven't i told you what happens" 

Travis closed his eyes and took the beating, i turned to go to the door he pulled on my sweater. I stopped moving.

His father grabbed me by the collar. I tried to leave his grasp but Travis butted in to take the punishment. 

I let out a scream of terror.


I was terrified, was i really such a disgrace... i went to open the door i felt horrible for him.. i wanted to carry him out of there but i knew if i tried he'd kill me.

I prayed he'd be okay so I ran to the apartments to see Larry.

I feel so bad for Travis...

I Liked It... ( Travis X Sally Face )Where stories live. Discover now