Sick and Tired

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If you don't like graphic sex scenes that are very detailed this story is not for you. Run while you still can. Yes the beginning is cringe but gets better as the story goes on. Other wise thank you for reading.

"Can we stop for a minute. My hands are cramping up and my mouth is sore." Corinna complained while jerking on Toddy's limp dick. She wanted to keep trying because she gets extremely horny in the mornings. This morning she was hoping Toddy's morning wood would help relieve her. Apparently not.

"You've been at it for an hour and a half already. It's probably because you wore the little guy out last night babe." Todd said lifting her chin and pulled her into a kiss. "I probably need something to eat to gain up that energy again. After all we did do 3 rounds nonstop." The last sentence made Corinna smile devilishly and pulled him into another kiss. The kiss got deeper and she slid her hand up Toddy's thigh one more time. "Not gonna work." Toddy said pushing her hand back down.

Toddy managed to roll her off him and got out of bed and got dressed. "You wanna come to Scotty's with me to get some breakfast?" Toddy only asked to be nice because he'd much rather be with his bro instead of her right now. "Nah some of my girl friends wanted to hang today. Maybe next time babe." They both smiled. "It's ok babe." They gave each other another kiss. Corinna walked towards the door and Toddy gave her a good spank as they left the room.

While he was driving, Todd would usually blast the music and jam out. His normal routine. For some reason he was too tired to do that and that's his favorite thing to do on his free time. He loved playing music and making it too. He's been really practicing too. But today he felt like he was in a bad mood or something. Maybe that's why he couldn't get it up this morning. He just had this empty pit or sick feeling in his stomach. It was like a feeling he couldn't shake. He just ignored it and continued his journey down the road to his friends house.

Toddy had finally pulled up to Scotty's and Kristen's place. He got out his car and knocked on their door. "BARK! BARK! BARK!" He heard Link bark from inside. After a few seconds of waiting Scotty finally opened the door with his big white shiny smile. Not to mention that he was wearing nothing but a towel hanging just below his v line. Even though he was wearing a towel you could tell he didn't dry off that well. He was still wet and was glistening in the morning light. His hard erect nipples dripping water that drops all the way to the bottom of his pale feet. A small puddle forming on the floor. His towel wasn't fully covering him. The ends of the towel were like a slit in a woman's dress. Just shorter, comfier and had a man in it. His bulge was slightly showing in the towel. You could see almost the perfect outline of it.

"Hey man! Whats up?" Scotty greeted as he pulled Toddy into a bear hug. Toddy's dick started to twitch some more in his pants but he brushed it off thinking it was his morning wood coming late. Scotty was rocking them side to side rubbing their crotches together making friction sending shivers up Toddy'd body. They've done this so many times before why does it feel weird now. Toddy finally pulled away from the massive bear hug he just received.

"Nothin much man just wanted to see if you wanted to get some breakfast." Toddy asked trying to focus on Scotty's eyes not his body. "Yeah sounds great man. I just got out the shower. Imma go put something on and you order the Chipotle." Scotty said turning around heading back into the house. You could see the curves of his ass cheeks and almost see the crack but it's not visible. Toddy bit his lip and walked into the house. "Where's Kristen at?" Toddy asked with curiosity looking around. "She's visiting her parents. Won't be back for a couple of days. Just me and Link here." Scott answered patting Link on the head. Toddy nodded and pulled out his phone to order their food.

An hour passed and they're still chomping on their food like pigs. "Got any plans for today?" Scotty asked with a full mouth of food. "Nah man. Corinna went to hang with her friends. I guess for all day so I wanted to hang with my best bro." Toddy answered giving him a punch on his bare shoulder. Scotty was still shirtless because he had no point to put one on if they were staying in. "Awe you chose me over your girl. How cute." Scotty teased as he pulled Toddy into a head lock and scuffed up his hair. "GAH! MAN Stop!" Toddy said trying to free himself.

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