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Yes that's a GIF of David I never seen till Tumblr how come I never saw it? Anyway back to the story...

Toddy's P.O.V.

I jump into my truck with Scott and Jeff right behind me. I drive to David's house and park outside the gate. Scott looked at me with raised eyebrow. "What are you gonna do?" Scott asked concerned. "Nothing too bad. Just something to scar him. Don't worry I won't hurt him. Too much." I reassure them. Scott looked back at Jeff and he shrugged his shoulders. 

"Why was I brought here? If you do hurt him and I'm an accomplice I could go to jail you know I'm a felon. Remember?" Scott was trying to hold back a laugh but wasn't hiding it really well. "I'm serious I don't wanna go back there. Besides I'm not part of this relationship." He looked down at his lap and played with his fingers. 

"Jeff, you are part of this relationship. No matter what it seems like, you're included. I love you both. I need you guys in my life I don't see it any other way." I pulled Jeff's chin up and kissed him. "Don't worry." I turn back around and continue watching David's house. 

Jeff smiled and leaned back in the seat. Scott put his hand on my thigh and I turn to him. He was smiling. "We love you too." I put my hand on his and smile. "I know you do." I turn back towards the house. "So what are we waiting for?" Scott ask. "Waiting for Natalie to leave. She goes to get his lunch exactly the same time everyday and she takes her sweet time to do it too. So we'll have time to do what we gotta do." Jeff leaned back forward. "And what exactly we gotta do?" He ask.

"If it's sex he wants, It's sex he's gonna get." Scott took his hand off my thigh then folded his arms. "That's all you're doing? Just here to get another round?" He pouts. I put my hand on his chin and make him look at me. "Baby no. It'll be us all getting a go." He raised an eyebrow. "So you're sharing goods now?" 

"No it's not like that..." "Then what is it!?" I pause.. "We're gonna rip him open. Like how Jeff and I did to you, and like how you and I did to Jeff last night." He had a slight smile but he wasn't sure. "Then who's the two volunteers?"He ask. "Who said it's just going to be two of us?" A weird smile crept up on my face. Why am I like this. 

Jeff and Scott look at each other with worried faces and before they could protest the gate opens up. Natalie's car drove out leaving David venerable and alone. I jump out of my truck and Jeff and Scott follow quickly behind. We make it to the door and Jeff turns me around. "I'm not saying this is a bad idea because it's hot as hell but you sure you wanna stretch him open that much? I mean did he have good prep or something?" He ask worried. "Don't worry. If he could take me raw he can take all of us with prep I'm sure." 

Before anything else was said I turned back around and knocked on the door. "Quick take your shirts off." I say stripping mine off. "Why?" Scott ask. "It's more intimidating." Jeff and Scott agree then strip off their shirts. We stand there and knock on the door again. 

"Natalie what did you for-" He saw us there with our shirts off looking mad as hell. "Fuck." He backed up slowly as we came in. "Guys I can explain." I shove him. "Explain what? You trying to ruin my relationship?" I say with anger. "I didn't know you guys were dating. I just wanted to show Scott because I thought I was the first one to have you." Jeff went up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "It's still a fucked up thing to do. You don't play with someone's heart like that." He ripped off David's shirt and threw him over his shoulder. 

He started walking and Scott and I followed right behind. He took David to his bedroom ad threw him on the bed. He ripped off his pants in one fluent motion. "Damn Jeff excited much?" Scott says raising and eyebrow. "Well if we're gonna do this, gotta do it fast." David started to panic. "What are you going to do to me." Jeff threw him on his stomach and ripped open his underwear. "Don't worry about it sweetie." He slapped David's now bare ass as hard as he could and David let out a yelp. 

Jeff whips out his hard cock. "I heard you like it raw. Lets see if you can take this." He looked at me and Scott. "Go hold him down." At that Scott Jumped on the bed and held down Davids arms by his wrist. "WAIT! Are you guys going to rape me?" Jeff laughed "Oh boy. It's not rape if you asked for it. Jeff went in him fast and hard and David let out a loud yell. 

My dick twitched as I watched Jeff fuck the life out of David. "Ah...Ahh...AHHHH...GUYS! P-PLEASE!" We ignored his cries. Especially Jeff. "Shut him up." Jeff said. Scott pulled out the handcuffs I gave him earlier and cuffed David's hands together. He then took off his shorts, sat between David's arms and shoved his hard in his mouth. 

Tears began to fall from David's eyes as he choked on Scott's penis, and Jeff fucking him raw in the ass. I bend over and whisper in his ear. "What's wrong David? I thought you liked it rough. It's always the sweet ones you gotta look out for huh?" Obviously he couldn't speak with a dick in his mouth. 

I stroke his back  up and down. Then I grab a fist full of his hair and shoved Scott's cock deeper down his throat. "You like that?" He moaned a little bit but tears still came from him. I pull him off Scott's dick and he tries to catch his breath. Which was hard to do with Jeff fucking non stop. 

"Scott lay down." I adjust everyone to where Scott is laying in the middle of the bed, David laying on top of Scott facing him. His cuffed hands behind Scott's neck. Jeff gets on top of David. Then me right behind them. (Imma try to detail this as clear as I can so keep up.)

Scott's dick was already in David's hole. All the saliva helped it slide right on in. Jeff's dick was wet with all the pre cum he's been producing inside David's hole already. He squatted over David and shoved himself inside. David screams out in pain. "Is it too late to gag him?" Jeff ask. "I wanna hear him cry." I said. I slid between Scott and Jeff's dicks and got ready to shove myself in. "Ready for what you deserve?" I ask before I do anything. "Just... end me... already..." He huffed out. 

"Will do." With that I shoved my thick throbbing cock between the other two big cocks inside David's ass. "OH... FFFFFUUUUUCK!" I move my hips in and out. The other two were moving in sync with my hips and we never left his hole. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"David screamed and moaned.

Scott grabbed a hold of David's throbbing cock and squeezed it. "Seems like you're enjoying yourself. I know you wont last any longer." David scrunched up his face and tried to ignore him with all the dicks in his ass. Scott leans forward and bites on David's neck. "Come on. I know you like it." He whispered in his ear.

"Oh fuck... I'm about to..." Before we knew it he was shooting cum shots all the way up into Scott's mouth. We felt his hole tighten and I couldn't control myself and ended up pulsing my loads into David. Scott came right as I did and Jeff came all over David's back. 

We all plop onto the bed catching our breath's. I took the cuffs off David and he just laid there on top of Scott. He kinda looked dead. "David?" I said. He doesn't even lift his head but he lets out a groan. "You're not gonna do that again right?" He lifts his head and looked at me like I said the dumbest thing on earth. "If that's what happens when I do something bad I can't wait for round 2!" We laugh and end up falling asleep there. With the door unlocked. 

THANK YOU for reading, voting and commenting you guys. I live for these comments that make me laugh and cheer up my day. Can't wait to see how everything goes with this book. I feel like I'm trashing it but who knows. 

Before this ends I wanna say I do not promote rape because technically he wanted it BUT NO I DON'T

Please vote and I will see you guys in the next chapter. 

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