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Scotty's P.O.V.:

I woke up naked in my bed, nothing on top of me other than Jeff. He was giving me one of his master massages. He has such smooth hands for a guy who is so rough. He pressed hard into my back releasing most of my tension. "Fuuuuck that feels good...." I moaned out. "You got a lot of tension in your back Scott. You stressed about something?" Well duh. "Nah I'm good. Just living in the moment."

He moves his soft hands lower down my body. Massaging my tail bone. Then moving lower. "You want me to relieve that stress in my own, special, way?" He lowers himself and kissed my cheek. I turned over and grabbed his chin. "Actually I know a better way." I pull him up to me and we began to kiss. 

He put his strong arms around me and his chest was on top of mine. I deepened the kiss and felt him growing hard against my hip. I did the same. "What's your plan then?" He asked. "I wanna top."

He sat up in shock. "Really? You never asked me that before." I sat up to so we were face to face. "I always wanted to top but Todd never insisted." I put my hand on Jeff's cheek. "Now that you're here, I wanna do all I can." I leaned in and kissed him slow. 

His lips moved with mine and I grew harder at the thought of finally topping. His fingers ran through my hair and I did the same to his. His soft yet rough hair sliding through my finger tips. I slid my hands down his back. Feeling up his back muscles.

I turned him over and now i'm on top of him. Never breaking the kiss. He pulled me closer deepening the kiss. Then I broke it. Kissing down his neck. To his erect nipples. To his abs. Then his v line. I skipped his dick and lifted his ass in the air. Jeff didn't say anything. So that wasn't a "no" to me. 

I first inspected his glorious man hole. Smelling it's toxic man smell. His sweat making it more better. I loved the smell of it. I want the taste. I hesitantly take my tongue out and lick his hole. I was shaking and so was he. Like it was his first time being a bottom. Which I don't doubt. His taste was amazing. I can't describe it but my tongue didn't stop it's exploring. My saliva wetting his hole and making it loose. My tongue slid in and out easily. 

"Fuck that feels good." I look up and Jeff is holding the pillows behind his head. Shaking and loosing himself. I see why Todd probably never wanted me to top. He loved the power he had over me. And honestly? I don't want this to ever stop.

I take a break from rimming his hole and I'm back on top of him. I kiss him deeply and he pushes into me deeper. "You like the taste of your hole on my tongue?" He just laughed and pulled me back into the kiss. "I take that as a yes." I smile and he lets out a giggle. He put his strong yet soft hands on my cheeks and looked deep into my eyes. "If you want it so bad, just fuck me already." 

I threw his legs on my shoulders and leaned down to kiss him again. "You sure I can do this?" I ask to make sure. "It's too late to chicken out now." I line up my dick to his hole and start to push in. He scrunched his face and grabbed the pillows behind him again. I start to push in further and I can feel him tremble underneath me. You could see the sweat sliding down his body. He held on to the pillow tighter you could see his biceps bulging. He was losing himself. 

I finally shoved the rest of me inside him. He huffed and puffed trying to catch his breath. I pulled out and shoved back in. He scrunched up his face tighter and held onto the pillow. His breath quickened. I move my hips a little faster. Jeff's huffs turns into moans. I quicken my pace. 

He moans louder and it's driving my dick crazy. My hips slap against his ass faster and harder. He moans louder. "Fuck Scott you feel so good." I lean down and kiss him some more. My hips move as fast as they could. I wouldn't last any longer. Neither was he. His dick was slapping against his and my abs. I closed the gap rubbing our abs together along with his dick in between. 

My hips slapping his ass faster. "Fuck Scott, faster... I'm about to cum." I move as fast as I could and his moans grow louder as we were about to climax. "T-...Todd." I moan. Jeff didn't hear anything because his moans were louder. I start to think about Todd and fuck Jeff as hard as I could out of anger from Todd. I was about to climax then...


Jeff and I stop and look at the door. "Sc-Scotty?" It was Todd looking dead at me. He had a mad yet broken stare. "What... What are you doing?" Tears were filling his eyes then rage slapped him in the face. He came charging towards me and pulled me off of Jeff. "GET OFF OF HIM!" He shoved my shoulders. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

I stare at him blankly. His face was filled with emotion. "You can't just... just..." I cut him off. "Can't do what? Do what you did?" He looked at me confused. "Yeah I saw it. That little 'Bit' you did with David yesterday." Toddy rolled his eyes. "Just because I got naked for a bit? We do that all the time." I furrow my eyebrows. "Really? You think that's what I'm mad about? Your nudes are basically all over the internet." He's still confused. "Then what's the pro-"

"THE VIDEO IS THE PROBLEM!" Todd and Jeff get startled. "What video Sc-" 

"THE ONE WHERE YOU'RE FUCKING HIM!" Todd now has shock on his face. He finally knows what I'm talking about. He stood there in shock but still confused. "David sent me the video. I'm not mad you had sex with him but you lied to me Todd. You lied when I trusted you." 

"Scott..." He took my hand and kissed it. "I would of never had done it if I knew it was going to ruin our relationship. I love you and only you." Tears started to fill my eyes but I fought back. "How do I know that?" He kissed my forehead and I felt everything I loved about him pop up inside me and a tear fell down. "Because you're the only one for me. I let you do anything you want as long as I know and I WAS going to tell you about David tonight but things changed I guess."

He leaned forward and kissed me and I kissed back. "I love you so much." He put his hands on my cheek. "I love you too." We smiled as we looked into each others eyes. "Aww. That's so sweet and all but what about me?" We look at Jeff laying on the bed waiting for us to finish. 

I look at Todd and he smiles. "Whatever you want babe." I grin and Jump back on top of Jeff as Todd stripped off his clothes. I whispered in Jeff's ear as Toddy crawled into the bed with us. "I'm going to stretch your hole like how you and Todd stretched mine." All that came out of him was... "Fuck yeah."

Hours pass... Sorry :/

Todd's P.O.V.:

I lay in bed with two very beautiful boys on each side of me sleeping. One in particular. How could David send that to him? What does he have to gain from that? Was it supposed to be some kind of prank? God why is he so childish? 

I look down at Jeff and Scott both sleeping on each one of my pecs. My hands on their shoulders. Things couldn't get any better. I love Scott with all my heart and Jeff is hot as fuck and now another bottom. Can't wait to see what's to come. 

I rub my hand up and down Scott's arm as I look out the window wear the moon was beaming in. It was beautiful outside. And so it was in here. I run my fingers through Scott's hair thinking some more. David's gonna get it. And he won't like it. 

Well well well look who has made another chapter. Sorry if I took long. School is crawling up and it's making me worry about time for school and time for my books. Then Cameron Boyce went on and died and made me super depressed but I still pushed back and finished this chapter for you guys. 

Hope you guys liked it there's more to come. I have projects getting started so don't worry if you want more books but different people. 

Don't forget to vote on my books if you liked them. Thank you for reading.

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