A Nice Day

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I'll be writing this through pov so tell me if this is a better writing than the other chapters if you don't tell me then i'll keep switching between each one, I'm rambling just go ahead and read thank you...

Scott's P.O.V.:

I woke up in the morning in my own bed, alone. Damn I can't believe the night I just had. All fun with no drinking. Well, maybe some drinking but nothing you can have at a diner table. Maybe under it. ;)

I got up to an empty bed. I think Todd went back home. I wouldn't blame him. I ware him out all the time and to be fair I can get annoying most of the time. I lay in my bed for a bit in my underwear and I hug my body pillow trying to stop the tears from coming out. 

My throat burns as I try to fight the tears away. I don't know why I'm so sensitive like this. Probably because this long without a drink could be devastating. And with Todd not here who's gonna stop me. 

I get up out of my bed, just in my underwear and head to the kitchen. As I went down the stairs a smell hit my face. A very good smell. BACON. My favorite. But who?... I walk into the kitchen and see Todd. Wearing an apron but nothing else. 

"Uh... Why are wearing nothing but an apron?"

"Because if I was naked I would get third degree little burns all over my body." I let out a laugh. Suddenly I forgot why I came down here. I walk up behind him and rub his shoulders. "And you're doing this why?" I ask him. "Because I want to b." He took one of my hands and kissed it. It was probably the bacon but shit it was getting heated already. "I wanna make you happy." 

I continued to rub his shoulders, trailed my hands on his pecs, circled his nipples. My hands ran around his body to gown his abs to his bellybutton. I trailed his v line going down toward where it was pointing. My underwear rubbed against his bum. I laid a peck on his masculine shoulder then I laid my chin on it. 

"I love it when you do these kinds of things but you-" He cut me off. "I swear to god Scott if you say I don't have to again you'll regret that." I smirked. "Oh really? Because right now.." I moved my hands slowly back to his behind and squeezed. "AY!" He yelped. "I have the advantage." I whispered in his ear. I'm probably wrong but once I said that I could feel the electricity run through his body. 

He reached back and grabbed a fist full of my hair and kissed me. My underwear grinned against his bare ass. He pulled me deeper into the kiss and caused more friction down stairs. I grew harder and harder the longer we did it. 


The fire alarm started going off. "Damn it I forgot." He tried to save the bacon the best he could and I went to turn off the alarm. "Fuck bacon can't burn that quick what the hell." He complained. "We were at it longer than a few minutes." He looked back my smile and smirked. "Well at least I know the fire alarm and the bacon don't even want you to top." I was left with :O on my face. 

"Damn harsh much."I pouted. He laughed and walked over to where I was standing next to the counter. His hands went down my back and groped my ass. He laid a kiss on my lips. "When the time comes you will. Till then..." He smacks my ass and I jump a little. "That ass is mine." 

I pulled him in for a kiss. "It's going to be sooner than you think." I smacked his bare smooth ass. He went back in for another kiss. "I love you." I smiled and kissed him again. "I love you too." He squeezed my ass one more time then walked back to the stove. 

"Since breakfast is ruined, what do you want to do to eat?" He asked throwing the bacon away. I feel bad because even tho I distracted him from cooking, he's not that good at it. "How bout we fix pancakes together then watch some Netflix and chill?" He smiled at the thought. "Mmm... I like that Idea." 

Hours pass...

Were now cuddling in bed with the TV on. I'm wearing an over sized hoodie with nothing but my underwear. Todd finally had sense and put on some underwear but that was it for him. We were under the covers and my hands were around his waste. My head on his lap.  He was sitting straight up running his hand through my hair and focusing on the show we were watching. His other hand on my hip. 

I couldn't tell what time it was but it was dark in the room with the blackout curtains and the lights cut off. Nothing but the TV sounds filled the room. We both were lost in our thoughts. It felt like old times like how we used to hang out alone. Just with knowing a bit more of each other. All we need is each others presence to be happy. I never liked being alone. Sure Kristen was there but that was temporary. I love Todd. And he does a lot for me. I don't know how far he'll go for me but I'd die for him. 


Toddy's phone vibrated.. He picked it up to look at it. I sat up. "Who is it?" He opened it. "It's David. He want's me to come over to shoot a bit." He looked at me like he was asking for permission. I was surprised. He usually never does. "Uh.. Yeah sure if you want. I'll be here." He smiled and kissed me. "I'll be back in no time babe." He tried to get up I pulled him back for another kiss. "You better."

Ok there you guys go another cheesy like part. I've been very inspired lately cause I got these new energy drinks and they make me want to do more stuff than anything. 

So if you liked the story enough please vote and comment it'll help me mentally. See yall soon. 

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