Not What Was Planned

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Todd's P.O.V.:

I went on over to David's alone. When I arrived there was no one there but David. It's not weird to be alone but i'm not used to seeing David alone. Probably why he wanted me to come over. I walked in with the spare key he gave everyone in the vlog squad. Which if you ask me is a bad idea because David especially knows what each one of us are capable of. 

"David? I'm here." I called out. "YEAH. I'm in my room come here!" He shouted. I took off my jacket and placed it on the couch. I walked in his room and he was on his laptop laughing. I jump onto the bed next to him. "What's up?" He turned the laptop to show me the video he was watching. It was of these videos where the person used those Balanced Ball Desk toys, put it close to the camera, get naked and get far away from the camera, swing the ball, and do the same rhythm as the ball so the camera can't see your junk. 

"What do you want me to do? Hold the camera?" He let out a big laugh like I was crazy or something. "No dude when do I ever even take off a sock? Let alone be naked. You got the better bod so you're gonna do it." I let out a laugh. "You really want me to do this?" He nodded enthusiastically. "It's for the vlog bro." I jumped out of the bed and stripped off my shirt. "Well shit if it's footage you need why didn't you just say so?" He jumped up and grabbed his camera. He gave me the lid to a pot and I went into the restroom to get undressed as he set up the camera and the toy. 

He pointed the camera towards the door. "Come on Todd don't be shy." He rushed me. "Bro then you do it." I said coming out with nothing on just the pot lid covering my junk. "Guys me and Todd saw this on the internet." We hit the ball to make it go. Once I thought I was doing the same motion as the ball, I removed the lid. 

He checked the footage and we got it first try. We were jumping in celebration and bro hugged. With me being naked which I forgot. It's not like it matters we all done weird shit naked together it's nothing new. "Alright imma get dressed and head back.." I stop my sentence and head to the restroom. Before I took 2 steps he grabbed my arm. "You don't have to yet..d-do you have somewhere to be?" He asked me nervously. I think of Scott and didn't want him to get suspicious of us. We have been spending a lot of time together. "Uhh.. No... Why?" His hand is still on my arm and I could see him shaking, and trying not to look at my penis. "David? You ok?" I start to get worried as he stands there silent. 

Then he moves his hand from my arm to my pec. His breath quickens and so does his heart. I look down and see a twitch in his pants. "David? You didn't want me for just a bit did you?" His eyes only on my pecs. Struggling to not look me in the eye. His hand trailed down my abs and chills go up my spine. I grab his wrist before he goes further. I let out a sigh. "David.." Before I could say anything he cuts me off. "You know what Todd when is it my turn!" He yelled looking me in the eye finally. And honestly I was a little shocked. "I've seen you experiment with guys, I know you and Corinna broke up again because she called me complaining which she does EVERY time." He struggled to not choke on his words. "When will it be my turn to be used by you!? All these girls and guys get too but why can't I?" He looks down in shame. "Am I not good enough?" I lifted his chin up with my finger. 

"Of course you are. Don't you ever doubt yourself. I just didn't want to be that guy to take your v card when you should do it with someone special." I said speaking truthfully. "You are special to me." He went in to kiss me and I couldn't resist, so I kissed back. His hand reached down and grabbed my half hard dick. He broke the kiss and dragged me to the living room. I grew harder  with his soft palm around my dick. 

He threw me on the couch and my thoughts trailed to Scotty. "David are you sure you want to do this?" He striped his clothes off quickly and eagerly. "Never been sure about anything else in my life." He straddled my hips and pulled me into a kiss. Me now thinking with my dick not my head, I groped David's ass. My Dick slid up and down between his cheeks. David was a moaning mess. It was his first time, at least I think, and I don't want to hurt him. I broke the kiss and kissed down his neck. Leaving my territory marks. David's moans grew louder each kiss. I went down and licked up his smooth stomach up to his hard nipples. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and led me to suck on his nipples. 

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