No Time Like Now

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I might end it this chapter idk maybe it'll continue maybe it wont. I just wanna create more creative stories and how this was created wasn't planned at all. I still thank you all for your support in this book and hope to see more people like it. Anyway back to the story.

1 Week Later, Scott's P.O.V.:

I woke up in the morning with everyone gone. That was a wild ass night. I never felt like that before and it felt like this pull of relief off of me. I turn over in the bed and see a note on the nightstand. It read... "Scott, you looked so peaceful while asleep this morning and couldn't bare to wake you up. Me and the guys went to go pick up a few things. Don't worry about a thing today. Imma make it about you. From your one and only boo- Todd" I smiled at the letter he left me. He's so cliche. And I love him for that. 

I get out of bed and head down the kitchen. When I reached the stair case there were a bunch of rose petals on the floor. I followed it, leading me into the kitchen. Where Toddy was standing with a bouquet of flowers and a big grin on his face. "What's all this for?" I ask. He hands me the flowers. "If you read the note, I wanted to say this whole day is dedicated for you. And you only." I raise my eyebrow. "What's the occasion? I didn't forget anything did I?" I start to panic because I have no Idea what he's dong this for. 

"No, no. You're good. Today's our 2 year anniversary of our first kiss. Which you wouldn't remember because you were dead drunk. AND 2 months of a real couple." I sit the flowers down and pull him into a big hug. "You remember that too?" He hugged me tighter. "Every second." He pulled away and looked me in my eyes. "Every second, of everyday, I've been with you, I remember it because you're too important to me to forget." A tear starts to come out my eye. WHY AM I SO EMOTIONAL!!!!

He pulls me into a kiss. "I want to love you and make you happy as much as I can. That's why today's dedicated for you." I kiss him again. "What do you plan on us doing then?" I give a little smirk. "Well first, breakfast. Non burnt bacon. Then to a movie. One of your favorites. Then sneak into another one. One of MY favorites." I had to let out a laugh. "Then head out for dinner. Probably pull a Mukbang." He slowly then moved his hands down my hips. "Then head back home. Take a..." His hands slip lower and his mouth gets closer to my ear. "Hot.. Steamy..." He reached my bum and squeezed it. "Exhilarating..." He bites my earlobe and I let out a moan. "Bath with my baby boy." 

"Don't promise what you can't deliver." He looked at me in shock. "You got a problem with my delivery skills? Because I can deliver." I stoke his cheek. "We'll have to see about that." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Come on. Go get dressed. Don't wanna be late." I walk away and gives my ass a smack. "And dress nice." He said. I love this man. 

-After Dinner-

We come into the house laughing and nothing is lit up but a whole bunch of candles with even more rose petals on the floor. "What's this?" I looked at Todd with a big grin on his face. "Well there was a reason to take you out tonight. I had Jeff and David to come and decorate the house. Mainly with candles and rose petals." I was speechless. I turned to look at everything. "Toddy I- I don't know what to say." 

"I know what you can say.." I turn around and Todd's now on one knee. I couldn't feel any of my limbs like I was going numb all over. "Todd?" He reaches into his pocket. "You can say yes? I want to make you happy everyday of my life and I mean it. I would of said that this morning but that would of hinted this to you. I just... I- I can't live without you Scott. I need you. I need you to say yes." He was so nervous it was cute. But I was too. My hands were over my mouth, my eyes glancing from him to the the ring. I had no idea what to say except... "Yes...Yes. Forever it's a yes."

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