Chapter 25

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3rd Person POV

[JP is running through the streets trying to look for Yuma. Apparently, no one seems to remember him. He's even checked his photos and there is an empty space where Yuma is supposed to be. He knows he's not crazy. The Masked Boy secretly follows him. They both hear a scream and they both head that way. JP finds Shark on the ground]

Masked Boy: (Thoughts) No! This can't be happening!

[JP walks over to Shark]

JP: Shark, what's wrong?

Shark: I don't feel so good, JP. I don't know what's wrong. I can feel my life draining away.

JP: You can't die on me, Shark. What about Rio?

Shark: I know you'll take great care of her. There is no one else that I would want her to be with.

[Shark starts to turn to dust]

Shark: Take care of her, JP.

[Shark completely disappears]

JP: Shark? Shark!

[JP slams his fists into the ground]

JP: No!

[JP finds three cards on the ground and a pendant]

JP: These are Nash's. Don't worry, Nash. I'll protect Marin and find a way to bring you back! I promise!

 I'll protect Marin and find a way to bring you back! I promise!

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The two hear another scream and they run towards it

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The two hear another scream and they run towards it. They find Kite lying on the ground]

JP: Kite, not you too!

Kite: I guess I won't save my brother after all.

JP: No, you and I are going to get all the numbers and save your brother.

Kite: I'm afraid not.

[Kite hands JP his Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon]

JP: Kite?

Kite: It's about time that I gave this back to you.

JP: No, Kite. You're not dying on me.

 You're not dying on me

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A distance away]

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A distance away]

Masked Boy: Astral, what's going on? What is causing this?

Astral: The only conclusion that I have is because that you've meddled in the dimensions. The original plan was to remain in the shadows the whole time, but you decided to put your foot in.

Masked Boy: This really is my fault.

[The Masked Boy sees JP crying while Kite disappears. They both hear footsteps and see Lulu running their way. She hugs JP and starts crying in his arms]

Lulu: JP, this is terrible. Shay. He's gone!

JP: Shay is gone too?

Lulu: He just turned to dust and vanished. I'm all alone now. All I have is his deck to remember him by.

JP: You're not alone. You have me. What about Yuto?

Lulu: He's still here.

JP: I was worried.

Lulu: JP, what am I going to do? I'm all alone!

[Lulu continues to cry in JP's arms. In the distance he sees the Masked Boy. He approaches him]

JP: I hope you have an explanation for this. What's happening?

Masked Boy: I meddled with things I shouldn't have. Now I'm paying the price.

JP: Are you saying this is all because of you?

[The Masked Boy looks down ashamed]

JP: This is because of you! Prepare yourself to duel because it will be the last one you'll ever be apart of! I'm going to destroy you until you are nothing! You took everything from me!

Masked Boy: I'm sorry but now isn't the time for this duel.

[The Masked Boy vanishes]

JP: I will hunt you down and destroy you! Either as JP or my Barian Emperor name: Xander! I will destroy you! You hear me?

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