Chapter 66

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3rd Person POV

[There is a new professor named Professor Viper. Everyone is gathered in the auditorium as he explains the new bio bands. Everyone is skeptical but do as they're told]

JP: Partner, can you tell me what these are about.

Masked Boy: Professor Viper is trying to bring out Yubel. He lost his child in an accident. He is trying to harness all the energy to bring Yubel.

JP: Does it work?

Yubel: It does but at a price. You must be ready to face me.

JP: I'll be fine. I'll have my partner there.

Masked Boy: Things are really easy the second time around. Right, Yubel?

Yubel: Definitely.

[It is night time so JP decides to go visit Celina. As he enters the dorm room, Blair comes running to him]

Blair: Thank goodness you're here.

JP: What's wrong?

Blair: Celina is with you, right?

JP: No. I was coming to see her.

Blair: Oh no.

JP: What?

Blair: Celina has been missing for over an hour!

JP: What? Where could she be?

[Syrus, Jesse, and Hassleberry walk in]

JP: Have you guys seen where Celina is?

Hassleberry: No. I haven't, sarge.

JP: Urk. No one messes with Celina!

Celina POV

[I'm dangling by a rope that's tied around which is connected some type of mechanism. In front of me is Axel Brodie]

Celina: Why are you doing this?

Axel: To lure your boyfriend out.

Celina: If you wanted to duel so bad then you should've just dueled me.

Axel: Sorry, but you're not my target.

Celina: JP will make you pay for taking me.

Axel: Of course. That's why I took you. You seem to be more important to him then anyone else.

[I blush a little but now isn't the time for that]

3rd Person POV

[The duel spirit, Ruby, leads the whole group to where Celina and Axel are. JP arrives first and sees the situation]

JP: What are you doing? Leave her alone!

Axel: Not until you duel me first.

JP: That's not happening.

Axel: Oh it will unless you want to see your girlfriend plunge to her death.

Hassleberry: You don't really have a choice, sarge.

Jesse: Don't worry. You got this. While you two are dueling, we'll find a way to break her free.

Axel POV

[This is nothing personal, JP. Viper is behind this. He wants you to use all your energy for some experiment he's doing. I was told to push you to your limit. So I need to drag this duel out as long as I can]

3rd Person POV

Axel: Now, I want to see those Pendulum Cards.

JP: Sorry but I don't duel with those anymore. I basically only fusion now.

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