Your last breath. Or so you thought.

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Yo. This is my first ever story so don't @ me

You sat on the chair in the garage, eyeing blankly at the noose hanging up in the middle of the room.

You had no family left. No mum. No dad. No siblings. No one. They died when you were 11. They decided they wanted to go camping but you refused to go. The woods always freaked you out. When you were sleeping round your best friends house you got a call from your mum but when you picked it up it wasn't your mum who was speaking. Instead it was a woman who sounded like she'd been crying. "I'm so sorry."
"Who is this?" You questioned
"Your family...they're... they're dead sweet heart. I'm so sorry." The woman replied
"(Y/N).  Who's calling you?" Your best friend asked
"When they were on the motorway a lorry crashed into the back of their car."
"No. I'm sorry but you must have the wrong number. My family is not dead", I denied everything she was saying not believing one word she said. All of this was too sudden.
The called ended like that. You stayed up all night pondering about what she said. When your mum was supposed to pick you up from the sleepover back from the camping trip with your family, she and the rest of them never returned. Turns out what the woman was saying was all true. The lorry driver was on his phone scrolling through Wattpad and reading stories about Sherlock Holmes and didn't notice the traffic in front of him and squished the car in front (the on filled with your family) into the other lorry in front.

You suddenly snapped back into reality and started to notice that you were crying. All of that happened 10 years ago. You were now 21.

Wiping the tears away from your face you walked over to the noose and stood on the orange bucket. The only thoughts that filled your head was 'You have nothing to live for. When you die no one will even care about you. No one will remember you. You're just a worthless piece of shit that deserves to die in hell.'
You put the rope around your head, your emotions becoming numb. This was it your last breath. Your last vision of your dirty garage. The last time you would feel horrible. After you killed yourself you would finally feel alright. You looked down at your black jumper and jeans. Your tears had stained them but you didn't care. No body did. Ever.
You were about to kick the bucket away when all of a sudden *thud* a big blue box had appeared out of no wear. It was in the corner of your garage. But you didn't care you just wanted to let go. Feel free once again.
"And here we areee....." a woman with blonde hair came out of the box and her voice trailed off when she realised she landed in the wrong place. Again. She wore a silver trench coat that went down to the middle of her shin, a navy blue top with a rainbow stripe on it, dark blue trousers, black combat shoes and big blue socks underneath. She finally processed what you were doing and looked at you and said:
"Hey it's alright. How about you just step away from there. Huh?" The lady had a calm tone to her voice but you didn't budge. You shook your head. Tears escaping your eyes as you pursed you lips. "Please.." she continued but you still didn't budge.
"Hey doc, what's the hold up?" Another woman stepped out of the box but she looked more younger than the other lady. She followed the "doctors" gaze and saw you. Her mouth dropped open and her eye brows rose creating visible lines on her head.
The doctor continued to try and persuade you to come down saying how there's people out there who love you and how they would terribly missed you if you killed your self but you knew that wasn't true. The other woman started to slowly walk round the edge of the garage without you noticing until she was behind you.
"Hey do you trust me?" The doctor said
The woman behind you whacked you round the back of the head knocking you unconscious.

Authors note: thank you guys so much I hope you enjoyed this. I will update but probably once or twice a week but don't count on it. Comment what you thought. Thanks so much xxxx

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