The doctor

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After that little moment with the doctor you decided to stay in the bedroom all day on your phone and watching Netflix in the bedroom. It was now midnight

You didn't like to think of the bedroom as your room, you thought that was just selfish so you just called it 'the bedroom' or 'the bedroom you were sleeping in'.

You were used to be being cooped up in your own bedroom at home all day and it became an unhealthy habit but you didn't care.

You had dinner and everything at the tardis you just went outside and looked for the kitchen and grabbed some food and ate on the bed. You knew it was rude but Yaz and the doctor didn't mind.

Since it was midnight, you fancied a midnight snack like chocolate or biscuits or something so you sneaked out into the hallway and searched for the kitchen in order to find some food.

Finally you found the kitchen and started to rummage through the oak cupboards. You made sure that you were quiet so nobody caught you.

You stumbled upon a mountain full of custard creams. You went to grab a packet when you were interrupted by a familiar voice coming from behind you

"Don't you dare think about eating my custard creams", the doctor spoke with a serious tone to her voice. You took a packet without her noticing and hid it behind your back.
"Oh, they're yours", you said trying to act surprised as you stuffed the biscuits up your sleeve. "Why have you got so many?I don't think you need that much." You raised one eyebrow and smirked as she explained that since she's got two hearts she burns off calories quicker than an average human would. You still found it quite amusing that she was an alien because she looked human.
"Anyway (Y/N), what are you doing up at this time?"
"I could ask you the same question, doctor", you replied with a hint of sass in your voice.
"You're hungry aren't you?"
"How did you know?"
"We are telepathic, remember?"
You cringed at the thought of if you ever felt horny she would probably feel like that too. You just smirked and looked down at your shoes at then nonsense your mind thinks.
"What does horny mean?"
You coughed hard as you looked up at her and smiled with your eyebrows raised.
"What!" You said astonished at the fact she didn't know what it meant.
"What? That's what you were thinking", the doctor said calmly. Ohhhh you were going to have some fun with this.

You coughed again before taking again.
"Well, umm.....horny means when you.....ummm.....when you want to eat a custard cream. Yup! That's what it mean!" You said quickly lying through your teeth but the doctor didn't seem to notice. You loved playing with people to annoy them.

"Oh okay then."
"Yup. Well it's getting late." You fiddled with the packed up your sleeve whilst walking up to where the doctor was standing. "I'm gunna go bed now. Night!", you walked past the doctor and into the hallway, not stopping.
"(Y/N)? What's up your sleeve? It better not be any of my custard creams!" The doctor said raising her voice.

You made a run for it, pulling the packet out from your sleeve and into your hand. You realised you were lost from not looking where you were running so you turned the corner and opened the door and found your self hiding in a shower room. You hid by the first one you could see behind a white marble wall. Your breathing echoed throughout the room until you stopped when you heard the voice of the doctor once again.
"I know you're in here", she teased
You were really bad at holding your breath so you quickly breathed but it echoes off the walls, making it obvious that you were here.

You heard a light hum which you presumed was her sonic screwdriver (yaz had told you that she has a device called a sonic screwdriver which can hack into anything). Shortly after all the showers turned on soaking you and making you (H/C) hair stick to your now drenched pyjamas. You gasped loud as the water temperature was freezing.

The doctor turned past the marble wall to see you there with your mouth shaped like an 'o'.
She laughed hysterically at the soaking wet state you were in and so you went up to her and gave her a massive bear hug which drenched her in freezing water making her try to escape your grasp but failed to do so. So instead the doctor hugged you back. Her hands wrapped around your waist and her head was buried in the crook of your neck. She took a whiff of your scent and you noticed. You smelt like oranges and the doctor secretly loved it but she didn't tell you.

"Ok doctor, I'm cold and I'm wet  and anyway I'm kind of dirty so I'm gunna take a shower." The doctor didn't realised that you had stopped hugging her and that she was still hugging you.
"Oh um okay. I might be better off with one too."

You and the doctor showered separately. Her first then you.

When you came out you met the doctor. You were wrapped in a red towel that was covering your body and your (H/C) laid on the back of your neck.

She blushed and then you did the same realising what you were wearing and all of a sudden became insecure.

"Goodnight doctor" You said. You leaned up and kissed her on her soft cheek and thanked her for the fun you had.

You went back to your bedroom and slipped into the same pyjamas you were wearing the first night you were here. You got under the (F/C) duvet and snuggled under it.

You laid awake thinking about the doctor and you drifted away to the thought of kissing her soft cheek.

(A/N) hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if there is any mistakes like spelling or whatever. I hope you have a great rest of the week!!! please comment what you think. It means a lot. Bye for now x

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