Yaz what is it?

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A few days passed after your little incident and you were already feeling better. You were sitting in the library since it was your favourite place to be. It had books from all different constellations and even though you couldn't understand some languages, you still found them very interesting.
You thought to your self 'I really need to go outside, it'll do me some good'.
"Good idea (Y/N)".
The doctor's sudden voice echoed through the corridor and scaring you.
"Jesus don't do that to me!" you shouted, sitting on the floor of the library facing the corridor.
"Sorry!" She replied

Yaz walked in from around the corner and into the library and sat down in front of you.
"(Y/N), recently I've been trying to tell you something very important but keep getting cut off by.......people." She said the word 'people' like it was someone specific and that she was really annoyed at them. "What I was going to tell you is that-"
"-so (Y/N), what should we do today?"
Yaz's face turned from nervousness to anger in a second. "Hold on doctor, Yaz what were you saying?"
"Doesn't matter", Yaz said sharply and stormed out the room not looking at the doctor. Her footsteps boomed as she exited from the library and into the corridor and entered another room in the tardis.

"What's her problem?" The doctor half heartedly chuckled.
"I don't know but she said something about how she wanted to tell me something."
Curiosity filled your head and the same with the doctor.
"Yeah I'm confused too. Anyway, what do you want to do today?"
"Maybe watch a film?"
"Yeah, sure okay. What do you want to see?"
"Whatever's on"

13th doctor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now