Chapter 2

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I don't know why I agreed to go to lunch with him. It'll just make me start to think again. I forgot about it for a while, well at least I did. Until he took his shit off st the gym. It all came back.

"John?" Damian asked and I jumped.

"Oh yeah um I'm so sorry what's we're you saying?"

"Nothing important." He said and I nodded. I stored my drink with the straw. I sighed quietly. I couldn't look at him. I could get lost in his eyes for hours.

"John!" Damian snapped.

"I I uh. I'm so sorry my minds just filled with stuff today."

"It's fine. But are you sure you're ok? We don't have to be here."

"No it's f..." I stopped when I looked at his eyes. "Ine..." i said quietly. We talked for a while.

"Your not cocky anymore."

"Oh I'm not?" I asked him. Well I more likely asked myself.

"No." He said and I shrugged.

"I thought I was being normal." He smiled.

"Your just fine." He said. When he said that me heart skipped a beat. For the rest of the day I didn't really talk. I just nodded yes or no. "How's your life in DC?" I nodded. He slammed his fist on the window. "Damn John, you can't hold a conversation, you can't look me in the eye! What's going on. You haven't looked at me since I asked if you were ok at lunch."

"I I I Im sorry." He sighed.

"Don't be, I'm sure whatever's on your mind has a reason to be. I shouldn't just snap at you like that."

"It's fine." I said and he looked at me.

"John can we talk."

"No." I said quickly.

"Ok." Was all he said.

"I I I didn't mean to say no. I'm sorry." I said and he nodded.

"I figured. Hey I'll tell you what. Meet me tomorrow at my house. After that we can go somewhere ok?"

"Ok." Is aid then I almost slammed on the breaks. "Your Place?"

"Yeah, are you ok with that?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine." I said. I remember the last time I was at his house.
"I hate it Damian! I hate it we can't win!" I said and I looked at him. His bottom lip was poked out a little and his eyes looked disappointed.

"I'm sorry." He said. I sighed.

"Sorry doesn't fix anything."

"Well then what does?" He snapped.

"I don't know. Why can't I be traded to your team?!"

"Why would you want that."

""Because I could have a normal team!"

"John you have a normal team."

"No were not."

"Yes you are John. Why do you really wanna play on my team?" He asked getting a little closer to me and he said it in a more melancholy voice.

"I just want what you and CJ have. Y'all are so close." I whispered. He chuckled.

"We're Just Friends John there ain't nothing to it. Your friends with Brad."

"I guess."

"You guess? What are you dating him now?" He asked and I laughed.

"No, shut up." I said smiling at him.

"There's John." He said and he laughed a little. "But naw me and CJ aren't that close. You wanna know what close it to me?"

"What is it Damian?" I asked him...

"John." Damian said. "Are you gonna drop me off at the beach or what?"

"Why the beach?"

"Mr car."

"Oh I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I was like this today damian."

"It's fine we all have those days." He said and I smiled.

"Yeah but..."

"Stop making excuses John." He said and I nodded. I dropped him off at his car and I drove back to my hotel. He's the only thing I could think about.

"I fucked up today." I mumbled. "I never talked. It's like I was shy, I'm never shy! I just ugh. I hope he does t think I ignored him."

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