Chapter 5

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"Do you love me?"He asked. I almost heard a little bit of hopefulness in his voice. I really didn't know how to answer. If I said yes then my whole world would come crashing down but if I say no then I'm just gonna lie.

"No." I said.

"Lie!" The Man said and I sighed. Damian grinned.

"Can I get out of these?" I asked and I tapped the glass and the guy came and got them off. He paid and we left. We said nothing in the car. "You know Lie detectors are wrong?"

"I know they can be wrong." He said. "But sometimes even when you think they are you just have to make yourself believe they're right." He mumbled. We didn't say anything else for a while "I lied." He blurted out.


"John Wall CJ McCollum doesn't turn me on." He said and he stopped and looked at me. I looked down. "Hey John it's just you and me." He said softly. "No ones gonna tell you if your lying or not and I'm gonna believe ever word that you say ok?" I nodded. "Why won't you look at me? Is it how I look. Is it something about how I talk, or is it the way I...."

"Your eyes." I Said quickly. He looked at me confused. "Your eyes Damian they show so much of your emotion. I can't look at you because I could get lost in you eyes for hours." I said.

"John." He said and i looked up st him. "You know i didn't regret what we did that night. I regret nothing I do with you John. I did it because we wanted to not because I was forced to make you happy." He said and I nodded.

"I know, I could read it in your eyes you had lied."

"Oh." He said looking away. He had pulled into an empty parking lot.

"Why are you telling me this Damian?"

"Because I know you lied."


"You lied. A lie detector isn't that wrong John. They don't get simple yes or no questions wrong." He said and I sighed.

"I know." I said quietly.

"Yeah I know also." He said and I looked at him. "And I'm glad you lied." He said.

"What? Why?"

"I'm glad you'd lied so that i could know the truth."

"Can we not talk about this right now?"

"Yeah." He said and it went quiet. "Are you hungry or what?"

"I'm not really hungry right now."

"You want ice cream?"

"Yeah." I said still feeling awkward about him knowing I like him. Or maybe he doesn't know. I sighed and looked out the window. He pulled up to a fancy store that was all white. "What? This can't be an ice cream place."

"Yeah I just found out about it a few days ago." He said and I nodded.

"Ok." We walked in. There wasn't a speck of dirt anywhere.

"Hello welcome to 22 below." A girl said and Damian nodded. We walked up. We both ordered. We waited for her to roll them.

"Isn't it cool." Damian said hitting my arm. I nodded. He started to eat his ice cream when he got it.

"Hey wait for me!" I said and he laughed. He took a big spoonful of it and slowly stuck it in his mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned.

"Mmm this is the best ice cream you'll ever have." He said. I laughed and pulled the spoon out of his mouth and quickly got a spoonful of his and ate it. His eyes widened. "Don't!" He said and is topped. "I just got over mono!" I laughed.

"It's fine." I said. "Wait mono?" I said and he nodded. I didn't reply. The only way u can get mono is by kissing someone.

"I drank after CJ." He said and I shrugged. We talked and laughed but he did most of the talking. I don't know why but I'm just quiet around. It's like I don't wanna day anything wrong on something. Finally we left. "Let's Go one more place." He said and I shrugged. He pulled up to a carnival. I smiled.

"I haven't been to one of these in forever!" I said turning into a kid. He smiled. I jumped out. We walked in and did a bunch of stuff. "Oh Damian look." I said.

"What?" He asked smiling at me.

"Come on!" I said and I grabbed his hand and pulled him up to a basketball goal. There was a line to we waited. We didn't let go hands until two people before us.

"You ready?" He asked and that's when we noticed our hands. He cleared his throat and took a small step away from me.

"Hello how are y'all today?" The man asked us.

"Good Good, what's the biggest prize you have?"

"3/4 of the court." He said and Damian nodded. "Three shots. If you win, you get..."

"I don't think we're interested in winning. We just wanna play." He said and the guy nodded. He handed us each a basketball. "You Go First." Damian said and I poured at him.

"Don't give me that face go first, you won't air ball it!" I nodded.

"Ok, rules Theres only two. You can't cross this line, that means you can't start at you, you have to shoot from behind it. Also the only way to win is by making it." We both nodded. "You get three shots." I nodded. I cleared my head but I couldn't get Damian out of my mind. I have to impress him. I thought. I shot it. Swish! Damian pulled me against his chest.

"John!" He exclaimed and I laughed lightly. We played around a while and then left.

"Thank you for tonight, well today." I said suddenly feeling really shy.

"Hey John, since the night is almost over, Can is so you something?"

"Yeah What?"

"Do you love me?"

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