Chapter 10

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"Cause you are the piece of me
I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly
Still fight, and I don't know why
If our love is tragedy
Why are you my remedy
If our love's insanity
Why are you my clarity."

Hey guys! So I know this is probably totally different that what any of the readers or @JohnandBradley had in mind it I ran across this song for the first time in a while and couldn't help but think it fit this story perfectly. (I might make a chapter similar on my own book lol)

The sun beat through the blinds on the window. I rolled over to block the sun. I smiled at the sight of Damian beside me. "Hey baby." He whispered and he ran his thumb down my face. I smiled.

"You sleep well?" I asked and he smiled.

"As long as Your beside me." He said. His phone ran and he picked it up. The caller ID showed up but I shouldn't tell who it was all I know was that it had 💕 😘 😉 after it. I frowned and waited for him to hang up.

"Who was that?"

"My mom." He said. "Stop worrying your the only person I love." He said and I nodded. The same person called back. "Yes baby! I promise..." he stopped talking. He hung up.

"You just told me that was your mom." I said not really feeling any emotion. Before I didn't really know if he was cheating on me with CJ, but now I'm pretty sure I know. "If was such a stupid idea to marry your this early on to you relationship. You lied to me every night for who knows how long Damian. That ain't right." I said standing up and growing clothes on. "Forget us, if you can't stay loyal then why should we be a thing." I said. He looked away."You can't even look me in The face?"

"Look, we we're meeting today to break up." He said and I nodded.

"You two are over tonight, until then I don't wanna see you." I said. I walked out. I slid down his door. "If we love each other why does it seem like we always fight?" I sighed and sat there for a while then I got up and walked to my car. I got in but I couldn't make myself pull out. Even though I knew we wouldn't, if I pulled out it made it feel like we were breaking up. I sighed and got out of the car. I walked in. He wasn't on his sofa so I walked into his room. He was sitting on his bed staring down at nothing. He didn't even notice when u walked in the room. "Damian?" I said sitting beside him. He looked up at me and his eyes were red. "What's wrong?" I asked him. I moved to where I was sitting beside him.

"All I've ever done is fuck up this relationship." He said and I frowned.

"That's not true." I said even though sometimes I felt like it was. But it's not just him it's also me. "Hey Damian don't cry." I said and he smiled as I wiped a tear off his face with my thumb. "It's ok D." I said and he looked at me confused. "I don't wanna call you what everyone else calls you." I said and he smiled. I kissed his cheek softly and quickly. "You ok?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Hey, Damian look at me." I said and he did look at me. "I love you and nothing in the world will ever change that. My love for you is different than my love for other people. I know sometimes it may feel like all we ever do is fight and argue. But even when I'm mad at you know i love you. I may say something horrible to you and you have the right o yell at me and get mad, even leave for a day or two, but know i didn't really mean it because I love you." I said and he nodded.

"I know. And I love you to John."
Baby 😘 😉 💕
Hey, when are you gonna be back home?

I don't know. Why?

Baby 😘 😉 💕
Do you really have to know why I want you to come home? 😉

Wait! Home?!?! As in plural for OURS not just yours?

Baby 😘 😉 💕
Yeah? Is that a bad thing.

No it's great, I'm coming Home now! See you soon love you! 😘 ❤️

Baby 😘 😉 💕
See you soon! I love you to ❤️

I smiled down at my phone. "Our home." I whispered to myself. "Our home." I smiled at the sound of it. I love him so much. I though to myself. I smiled st the ring he had surprised me with a few weeks ago. Going to fast? Maybe, we've only been together for two and a half months. But meant to be? Definitely.

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