Chapter 11

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"Oh yeah it's in the drawer um the third one?" He said and i nodded. I opened it and went through it. At the very bottom was a girls bracelet.

"Damian?" I said picking it up.

"Yeah what?"

"What's this?" He frowned and motioned for me to sit down.

"Your gonna think I don't love you."

"Of course you love me." I said and he smiled.

"I dated this girl for a long time and she gave me this and I gave her something as a reminder that I'll always love her and that if we ever meet again I'll still love her. But I've moved on, I'm never gonna meet her and i found you so my life can't get any better." He said and I smiled. He kissed my forehead.

"You really love me right?" I asked him. It stung to know that he loved someone more than me but it is what it is. "Damian I think this was a mistake." I said playing with my ring.

"What?" He said quietly. "I I I thought..."

"Damian don't you think we went to fast?"

"Your not breaking up with me?"

"No Damian." I said smiling at him.

"Oh well then sure. It can take as long as it has to for you to be my one and only I just want you to be." He said and I kissed him. "You just wanna put that off for a while?"

"Your so Sweet." I said. "But I wanna do what makes you happy also."

"Your what makes me happy John, Not what comes along with it."

"Damian please tell me what you actually think for once." I said looking up at him. He sighed.

"I want us to do what ever will make us stronger and stay together. If that means put the ring on the shelf for a while then let's do it." He said and I sighed and leaned against him.

"Let's see where this goes. If it gets to hard then let's not break up and just start over ok?" I asked and he smiled.

"Ok." He said and he kissed me.

"Damn I love you. Your just Perfect." I said.

"I try to be. I want to make you happy."

"You do." I said and I looked into his eyes. "You know what makes me even more happy though?"

"What?" He asked. I kissed him and he smiled. "You came home late today, I guess that's an hour off schedule, and an hour more without me huh." He said and I nodded. He smiled and sat me on his lap. He slowly started to grind on me.
I traced his tattoos with the finger. That seemed to become a habit of mine. "You have to leave in a few weeks." He said and I frowned.

"I know." I said and he smiled.

"But we still have almost a month together."

"Yeah." I said and I laid my head on his chest. "I love you Damian so much. More than you will ever know." He didn't say anything. "You don't love me?"

"What?!" He said.

"You didn't say anything back."

"I'm sorry." He said. "I just didn't know what to say. I feel like you just took the words right out of my mouth. Of course I love you John." He said smiling. "I married you two weeks into dating you. I've never done anything like that before but I just know we're gonna work."

"Yeah." I said. Just then someone walked in and we both jumped up.


"CJ." Damian said. "Why don't you knock next time."

"Yeah I uh just came to..." He didn't finish. "So are y'all like..."

"It's complicated." Damian said and he squeezed my thought under the blanket.

"Ok." He said. "Well I um just never mind I should get uh going." He said and he left. We laughed.

"Well now he knows." Damian said and he pulled me closer to him. "He's not here anymore, you can be close to me."

"And I love to be close to you."

"Good." He said and he kissed my jawline.

"Damian." I mumbled and I moved away from him a little. He frowned.

"What?" He said. "I can't kiss you."

"Well yeah but we just had sex. Don't you think we need a break."

"I guess." He said quietly. He sat there a little bit then got up. "I'm gonna change." He said and he walked into his closet. He walked back out in a shirt and athletic pants. He turned the light off and laid down. "I'm gonna go to bed." He mumbled. He rolled over to where he wasn't facing me. I pulled him against me but he shrugged me off. "We just has sex John don't you think we need a break?" He said and he moved away from me.

"Damian." I said. "Damian look at me. I'm not letting you sleep until we talk this out." He rolled over to look at me. "I'm sorry baby." I said and I ran my thumb across his jaws. "I don't know what washed over me but it was wrong. Of course you can kiss me. You can kiss me whenever and wherever you want. I love you Damian I'm sorry." I said and he smiled.

"I know. I was just being a bitch."

"No you weren't." I said laughing. I pulled him closer to me. We were face to face. " I love you Damian."

"I love you so much John. I don't know what I'd do without you. I've waited my whole life to get you and now I have you." He said and I smiled and kissed him. He smiled against my lips. He pulled away and wrapped his arms around me.


"Go to sleep." He whispered. I nodded and fell asleep against him.

Oh my gosh!!!! I am soooooo sorry this took sooo long to write. Both of us just had a writers block and couldn't think of anything!!!! I feel sooo bad but now it's up and running again I hope!

- Kyrie_MVP

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