Chapter Eleven

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It was three days before Christmas. Bo's Plane landed in Thailand and he was ready to try and get Ming to go back to Shanghai with him at all cost. Once Bo was in the taxi to his hotel he sent message to Ming telling him he was there and he would see him tomorrow when he finds a good place for them to meet. Ming sent a message back that he wasn't going to meet him alone and that both Kit and Forth would be coming with him. Bo didn't like that idea but Ming told him they either come or he would not meet up with him. Bo finally agreed.

Ming sat on the couch in Kit's room wail Kit was sleeping. Ming had barely been able to get Bo to let Kit and Forth come. He sat his phone on the table and rubbed his face with his hands. This thing with Bo was getting out of hand. How was he going to make him understand that he wasn't going to leave Kit again?

Kit opened his eyes to notice that Ming wasn't in bed. When he sat up he looked around the room and finally saw him sitting on the couch. Kit got up and walked over to Ming placing a hand on his head.

''What's wrong Ming'' he said softly.

Ming jumped a bit and looked up ''Kit'' he wrapped his arms around Kit's waist and pulls him close laying his head against Kit's stomach.

Kit looked down at him and ran his hands throw his hair ''What is? What's the matter?''

Ming turned his head and looked at his phone on the table. Kit bent down and picked it up going through it. When he saw the messages between Ming and Bo he let a soft sigh out. Kit could tell this was getting to Ming. Kit sat the phone back down and hugged Ming's head.

''Don't let him get to you, Ming'' Kit said ''Me and Forth will be there with you the whole time.''

''I know'' Ming said looking up at Kit.

''Good, now lets go get some sleep ok. You need rest to deal with him tomorrow.'' Kit pulled back and grabbed his hands pulling him to the bed.

Ming smiled and followed him. Kit pulled him into the bed and cuddled against him. Ming held onto Kit tightly. Thought Kit seemed to have gone back to sleep Ming was still awake. He laid there holding onto Kit looking at him the whole time. The fact that Kit was willing to go through all this with him meant more to him then anything. Finally after some time Ming was able to sleep holding Kit the whole night.

The next morning Kit woke up before Ming and was able to call Forth letting him know about last night.

''We really need to keep an eye on this guy'' Kit said standing on the balcony. ''Even after getting him to go to bed he still didn't go to sleep right away. I'm worried about him, Forth.''

''Kit, relax ok.'' Forth said trying to calm him down ''We wont let this guy get to him. Ming has already turned him down and even got back with you. If he wanted to be with Bo he would have left instead of staying.''

Kit sighed heavily ''Your right. Still.''

''No, Kit. Ming made his choice and I'm sure he is happy with it.'' Forth said

''Yeah'' was all Kit could say.

''Hey, what are you doing out here?'' Ming said from the balcony door.

Kit turned and smiled at him ''Forth, I'll call you when we have a place to meet up.''

''Alright, go have fun with Ming. I need to wake Beam up anyways.'' He said hanging up.

Kit laughed and put his phone away ''It was Forth I was just letting him know about last night and that I would call when we have a place to meet up.''

''I can see that'' Ming walked over and wrapped his arms around Kit kissing his cheeks. ''It's nice sleeping next to you again as well as getting to see you the next morning.'' Ming pulled him close hugging him tightly ''Just standing like this with you is enough for me.''

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