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The next day started with Gerard, Patrick, Pete and I enjoying each other's company at breakfast.

During breakfast Lindsey entered and asked Gerard to come with her. He agreed and followed her out of the room. I watched them leave and if they weren't back in twenty minutes I would look for Gerard.

The twenty minutes passed quickly, I made an excuse about my mother being here soon. As soon as farewells were said I rushed out of the room and door the hall. I stopped outside Gerard's room.

The door was closed and it was dark. I knocked on the door. No reply. I forced it open.

In the darkest corner of the room sat a tearful Gerard.

"Gee Bear, what's wrong?" I asked and hurried by his side, I pulled him into a hug and he fell into my arms.

"She's dead." He whispered.

"Who's dead?" I asked.


I remember him telling me about Elena (or as he used to call her Helena), did sound like a lovely woman.

He has probably been drawing since he disappeared from the recreational room. There was paper strewn around the room, they all had some aspect of black. In every picture there was a woman with a pale complexion and long curled black hair. Red and black surrounded her dark eyes. She was dressed in a long dark dress with red and bleached roses. "Is that her?" I asked, he nodded and nuzzled his face a little more into my neck.

I kept him company for the next two hundred and forty three minutes until he calmed down. Jenna came into the room and handed us lunch, which was two sandwiches; one containing chicken and another with just cheese.

We left Gerard's room and walked into mine, where we sat just like yesterday. We absconded from Gerard's because it suggested depression.

There were children playing the park this time. Gerard just sat staring out the window, every seven seconds he would squeeze my hand.

I sat up from the slouching position we were sitting in and disconnected our hands, he looked up at me. His eyes were completely glassed with tears.

I picked up Pansy and placed her gently in my lap and faced Gerard. I strummed a slow pattern and Gerard began singing.

"Long ago,

Just like the hearse, you die to get in again,

We are so far from you," He sung beautifully in time with Pansy and myself.

"Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate,

the lives of everyone you know,

And what's the worst you take,

From every heart you break,

And like the blade you stain,

Well, I've been holding on tonight," he watched me the whole time and we never broke eye-contact.

"What's the worst thing I can?

Things are better if I stay,

So long and goodnight,

So long and goodnight."

It was barely audible over his sobs. I shoved Pansy aside and he fell into me. My shirt instantly became damp from his tears.

"I'm so sorry Gee." I whispered in his ear, I tried calming him by running my fingers through his knotted hair. Sure it may have been dishevelled but it most definitely was soft to touch.

That night we skipped dinner and just remained in my room.

The clock on my wall read: 11:57.

"Gerard?" I asked, he twisted his neck to look at me. He's been lying on my stomach for the past twenty three minutes.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked, he looked slightly confused. "Outside or in the hospital?" he questioned.

I didn't reply I just glanced outside. "Uh yeah, okay." His voice was shaken.

He took my hand in his and we crept around the hospital. We snuck past the reception desk and paced out the automatic glass doors.

We made our way around to the back of the hospital to where the park is. We sat silently on the swings. Our hands were still entwined tightly.

"Can you hear me?

Are you near me?

Can we pretend,

To leave? And then,

We'll meet again,

When both our cars collide." Gerard sung in a hushed tone, he turned and faced me.

"Oh Frankie." He whispered then kissed my cheek.

We waited around there for about two hours and three minutes until Gerard began shivering.

We slipped past the reception again and we strode back into my room.

Gerard was already lying on my stomach almost asleep. I was fiddling with his black hair and I could feel him relaxing on my chest.

"So long and goodnight." Gerard whispered then fell asleep slowly; I descended into the land of unconsciousness.

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