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Gerard and I were woken up by Patrick and Pete knocking on our door with Lindsey accompanying them.

"Come on boys, you didn't see them yesterday. At least hang out with them today, even if it's for an hour." Lindsey stated, I groaned while Gerard sat up.

"Well Frankie, let's get you up." He announced, grasped my hand and dragged me up from under the covers.

We ate breakfast together with Pete and Patrick, and then we sat around the same table where Gerard and I met.

Thirty-four minutes alter Pete was visited by his sister so Patrick went back to his room and Gerard and I walked back into mine.

Gerard was currently drawing something that I wasn't allowed to see when Lindsey walked in our room.

"Are you boys planning on doing anything else today?" she asked, I glanced up at her. She was leaning against the doorframe and her knees were awkwardly pressed together.

I looked at Gerard, a smirk was placed upon his face. It was starting to get dark already.

"I have an idea." I announced.

Fourteen minutes later it was completely dark outside, Lindsey gave us some of our own clothes and she was about to take us out for a 'field trip'.

Gerard was preparing for our uh... date, in his room.

Lindsey and I were already organized and we were just waiting up on Gerard to finish. Gerard stepped out of his room, dressed in black skinny jeans, a dark button-up shirt and a red tie. I felt overly underdressed; I was only wearing my Misfits hoodie, ripped skinny jeans and tattered Converse.

Lindsey had to sign out all three of us out then once we all were outside she dragged us down three streets then stopped in front of a black car. The window rolled down and revealed A girl with a black fringe framing her face, she smiled. She did have some resemblance to Lindsey but then again, so did Gerard.

"Hey Linds." She spoke, "Frank this is Jennifer but she prefers Kitty. Kitty, this is Frank and you already know Gerard." Lindsey motioned towards me and Gee.

I slightly grinned shyly. Lindsey gestured for us to enter the car. Gerard entwined his hand with mine then pulled me into the car with him.

"So Frank, where are you and Gerard heading out to tonight?" Kitty turned around to ask us.

"Bloomfield Cemetery."

Gerard squinted at me with befuddlement swelling throughout his face.

"Are you sure kid?" she asked, I nodded confidently "Well okay then." She replied.

This night, we'll walk with the dead, in a solitary style.

Kitty and Lindsey dropped us off at the cemetery. When I say 'dropped us off' they actually crashed through the gates of the cemetery.

"Really Kitty?" Lindsey exclaimed, we got out of the car and they sped off after.

We walked down through the rows of graves with our hands still linked.

Way down, mark the grave, where the search lights find us drinking by the mausoleum doors.

We stood outside one of the mausoleums, it was Elena's.

Gerard's eyes began watering up so I squeezed his hand and he buried his head into my neck.

"Frankie this really doesn't work." He cried into my ear, "What doesn't work Gee?" I asked, "Height difference." He whispered, I tried to hold in my laughter.

"I shouldn't laugh but it's hard not to." I spoke; he removed his head and looked at Elena's mausoleum. He stepped away from me and placed his hand over her name.

"I miss you, I miss you so far." Gerard sung then knocked his head next to his hand on the wall. He spun around; the tears that streamed down his face glistened in the moonlight.

I stepped forward, kissed him as he fell back onto the wall. His left hand dragged up my back as my right hand ran through his untidy black hair. Our hands were still interlinked, he kissed me back passionately and placed his free hand on my cheek. He pulled away, somewhat reluctantly and bit his lip.

"And the collision of your kiss, made it so hard." Gerard whispered, kissed me gently then we began walking off again.

We paced ourselves back to the hospital, sneaking kisses here and there and never breaking our infinite locked hands.

Gerard and I stopped on the way back for coffee at a small café a block away from the hospital. "Way down, way down, way down, way down, way down, way down, way down, way down." Gerard chanted over and over until I squeezed his hand. He turned smiled then continued his little incantation.

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