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I woke up to find Gerard gone. Lindsey dropped by and explained that he had a doctor's check-up, she also elaborated that I also were to see a doctor today.


I sat around in my room strumming Pansy for seventy-six minutes when Jenna walked in and told me she must guide me to the doctor.

We walked down about three different corridors when we arrived at a white door. She knocked we then heard a small "Come in." she showed the door open and told me to enter. So I did.

"Hello Mr I-air-o." I said with a smile, "It's I-ear-o." I replied, "Oh my mistake, sorry." I sat down and observed her cautiously.

"Anyway my name is Ashley Costello." She said proudly and held out her hand. I copied the same handshake I gave Bob.

"Are you planning on probing me?" I asked, she laughed. Choosing to believe that I was joking, I wasn't joking.

"No, of course not. Why would I do that?" she asked, I shrugged. She would never seem to look anything like a doctor. Her hair was split into two different colours, the left crimson and the right was black. She was also quite pale and sickly looking. Like Bob and Lindsey she was also littered with tattoos.

"So Frank, tell me what's up?" she asked and leaned back into her chair.

"Nothing really." I replied while gawking at her hair.

"Gerard told me about how he was quite close friends with you." She disclosed, "Really?" I asked, "You sound surprised?" she articulated.

"No, I'm not surprised I just would like to know what he said." I stated.

"Oh well, he explained how you to met which was cute. Then he went on about being in a park in the middle of the night then tried saying someone name Helena-"

"Elena." I spoke, "Pardon?" she asked,

"Her name is Elena."

She stared bewildered at me before someone knocked against the door violently.

"Come in." Lindsey rushed through the door in a distressed manor.

"It's Gerard, he's not allowing us to take blood." She spoke quick, I heard Ashley mutter "Shit." Then her and Lindsey were dragging me along to find Gerard.

We rushed down a corridor and entered a dark room where Gerard was weeping in the corner.

"Frank would you please help us?" Ashley asked, I nodded the leisurely approached Gerard.

"F-Frankie please, please-e don't let them hurt me. Plea-se" he whimpered. I pulled him into a hug and we sat there for fifty-six seconds.

"I'm sorry Ashley and Lindsey but I can't allow you to take a sample of Gerard's blood." I stood up still holding Gerard in a tight embrace.

"Frank, you must understand that we must." Ashley elaborated. I shook my head then took Gerard's hand in mine and sprinted out of the room.

Luckily, I memorized the way from the room to reception.

We ran from the scalpels and hid in the park behind the hospital.

I concealed Gerard from their vision with my body.

"Frank, please you must understand." Ashley screamed.

"NEVER!" I shouted back in reply.

Gerard sat in my encirclement, my left arm snaked around his neck while the right tangled my fingers in his hair.

"Gerard we should go back soon, it's almost dark." I whispered, he nodded. I began to shift out of the comfortable position. I stood and helped Gerard up.

Once hoisted up he observed me. "Woah." He whispered, and then thoughtfully stroked the scorpion tattooed on my neck. I kept my head still while he gawked at the ink. That's one of my recent tattoos.

"Did it hurt?" Gerard asked and I shook my head. "Nope." I replied.

I began to pull away from his hand but his other arm wrapped around my back.

"Gee-" I instigated although I was cut off by Gerard's lips colliding with mine.

His right hand slid up into my hair while my left hand trailed down his back. He reluctantly drew away a little before pecking my lips once again and held my right hand. I smiled.

We sauntered back to the hospital never breaking our hand contact.

We marched in through the emergency room as everyone stared us down. While they were in their beds, you could hear them breathe with help from cold machines.

"Frank, Gerard, where were you guys?" Lindsey asked, concern splashed upon her face.

"We just went for a walk." I told her, she nodded. We had this silent mutual agreement. She led us back to our rooms, when we arrived at our separate doors she stopped and whispered, "I'm not really allowed to do this at all, but I'm allowed to take you guys out on 'field trips' when we all want to and it's just us no one else."

I peered over at Gerard and he was already smiling, "Thankyou Lindsey." He replied.

"No problem, now get into Frank's room before anyone sees." She hurried us into my room then murmured goodnight to both of us before disappearing.

I turned around and Gerard was already lying in bed.

"Frankie I really wish things were different." He sighed.

"Me too Gee Bear, me too." I replied.

I slipped into bed and faced him. He kissed me again before closing his eyes, "Gee, how do you taste like cigarettes and coffee when you're stuck in here?" I asked.

He just smiled and spoke "Lindsey and I have this arrangement. She can go out with her girlfriend while I smoke and get coffee." I grinned.

I don't think I can take another day inside this place. Gerard and I will go on a 'field trip' tomorrow with Lindsey, even if it's for a few hours. I don't care, I just don't want to be stuck here.

Gerard was unconscious in a silent dream already, we'll make a promise that we'll get out of here together and soon. I heard Gerard stir a little, well I thought I heard him. I took his hand and he squeezed it tightly.

Then out of nowhere he voiced "I like you, we can get out. We don't have to stay, stay inside this place."

He might have also said "We'll go so far, far as we can

and I just can't stay, one day we'll run away."

But I'm not entirely sure since I was half asleep.

I still wonder what exactly Gerard and I are.

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