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I woke up in a completely white room on a bed with the identical shade of white. The white made me feel nauseas. My mother walked into the room, wearing an awful palette of a red and blue dress. The dress itself reminded me of a wedding gown.

She held out her hand, I took it and dragged her down to my level. She explained to me how 'sorry' and how she 'had no idea how unhappy I was.' It was peculiar being here alone with her, mainly because I didn't know where 'here' was.

She kissed me farewell on my forehead. I said nothing; I just stared into her dark eyes. I wished her stay away just seconds before she departed. She said goodbye about a hundred times before she left and I was alone to my thoughts again. She'll probably visit again tomorrow, where this scene will be likely to repeat. She made no sound at all during that whole time period.

I do truly adore every inch of sanity, though I prefer lunacy over anything.

I peered down to my wrists, they were bandaged tightly. My hands appeared a dark pink almost red from the bandages.

Why didn't I try to die with a greater poison or kerosene? Because I own such a fatuous mind that I didn't even think of such things.

I feel the tears begin to intensify in my eyes and descend down my face. I feel utterly and completely pathetic. Why must humans have emotions and feelings? I am anaemic of feeling and crying. I just want to die already.

I glance around the white boxed room, there's a squared rectangle shaped in the door, a window with a pair of dark eyes completed amongst a pale face peering through. Swiftly, he disappeared from the window; four seconds later he returned although this time he stood at the frame of the open door. The man was uniquely dressed in a dark tight shirt and black skinny jeans while a long white coat fell tightly around his broad shoulders. His side-swept blond hair, labret and blond beard made him seem unprofessional and withdrawn.

"Mr Iero, correct?" he asked, cautiously. I didn't reply I just sat silently in the corner when the bed meets the wall, watching him. "Frank, you don't have to be frightened. Do you know where you are?" he questioned; I replicated my last reaction and observed and waited for his response.

He sighed, "Frank, you're in the psychiatric ward of the Clara Maass Medical Centre."

My vision progressed past his head to the window. Women in pastel pink dresses and tiny white medical hats.

A beautiful boy with dyed black hair, hazel eyes and sickly pale skin was being guided by a woman wearing the uniform of the nurses also almost identical facial features although her raven hair was tied at opposite sides of her head and her crimson lips defined her face. His picturesque face expressed anxiety and stress, the dark circles under his eyes didn't bother hiding anything. I watched him past when my gaze met the man's and hung my head low then looked down at my feet.

"Oh yes, how could I forget?" He slapped his forehead then held out his hand, "I'm Mr Bryar, although I prefer Bob." He smiled; I observed his deep blue eyes watch meaningfully. Reluctantly I pushed out of my position and leisurely crept towards him and shook his hand by his finger with my index-finger and thumb. His grin grew as I slightly smiled.

"Well then I'll leave you to peace and I'll fetch Lindsey to give you the tour." He articulated then exited.

I sneaked back into the darken corner and anticipated for the arrival of 'Lindsey'.

Laborious minutes when a knock finally came upon my door. The woman that I saw earlier on poked her head through the doorway, her black pigtails bounced with every tilt of her head. Her red lips pulled into a smile. "Hi Frank, I'm Lindsey and I'm going to show you around the centre today." She cheered. She stepped into the room revealing her short pastel pink nurse's dress and knee high plastic-looking boots. Various tattoos scattered up and down her long arms.

She held out her hand, I crawled out of the comfortable corner and took a hold of it.

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