Chapter 5 The End or Is it?

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      One day later,  Adrien Agreste is in his room. He gets ready for his latest photo shoot. He thinks about what Marinette said the day before. He smiles. He is glad to know his father has no idea what he feels towards the bluenette.  He is also happy to know his father has no idea about his journal.  He prefers to keep it that way.

      Adrien gets out the blue notebook. He jots down some more details for his story. He smiles, closes it, puts it back in hiding along with the key.  He makes sure the trap door is secure as well. He rather not risk his father's discovery of the key anytime soon.  This would make him suspect something.

    Adrien rushes out the door and is off on his way to the photoshoot.  He smiles.  He is not to happy about this day.  The whole thing, makes him feel like a fake as he allows himself to be done up in makeup, and to pose just some people can get more pictures of him for some silly magazines, the newspaper, and a few commercials he is as well.  To be honest, the entire thing is rather a bore, and tiresome for him.  He longs to be free, to spread his wings and fly!  He knows he is not a bird, yet sometimes he feels like one kept in  a cage.  He just longs to be on his own so he can write.  Is it really that bad?

   When the photoshoot ends, Adrien hurries home so he will get into trouble for lateness. He goes to his room and does his homework.  He finishes early, since he is home schooled.  He  misses the life he had at a regular school. He still does not understand why his father took him away from it all.  He feels the whole thing is harsh, and alright mean.  He misses all his friends, and the fun times he had when he was part of a group.  He feels like he is too much in isolation in his current situation and he hates it!  

       Adrien goes to speak to his father!  He finds him the study as he reads a book.  

      "Father, I do not want to be a model!"  Adrien says.

    "Do not be crazy son, you can not just throw your career down the drain like this!"  Gabriel says.

  "It would not be my career anyway,if you had not chosen it for me!  I hate modeling!  It is such a bore!  I  never cared anything about it to begin with.  Not even once, I have complained about it before now. To be honest, that is how I feel!   I can not change that not at all." Adrien says.

   "Well, son, what would you rather do instead?"  Gabriel ask.

  " I long too, no I dream to be a famous author someday!"  Adrien says. 

    "What?  No son of mine, will waste time as a writer!"  Gabriel says.

    "You know what, just forget it!  Why should this be any different than before!  You never listen to me anyway!  Mom was always so much better at this kind of thing!"  Adrien says.

    "Do not bring your mother into this.  This has nothing to do with my decision."  Gabriel says.

     "Well, you know what?  I am moving out then!  I can you know.  I am the legal age, to get my own job and live on my own!"  Adrien says.  With that he stomps off, goes to his room, slams the door, and packs his things.  He leaves his room through the window.  He gets into his car and drives until he sees an old abadoned house.  He moves into the place, and keeps it clean.  He finally finds time to work on his stories more than he has ever before.

        the end...or is it?

The Journal   AU  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now