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      Here is the epilogue part of the story.  I apologize ahead for those who thinks it is rather short.  That is just the way things go sometimes.-Summer Cheng

       Adrien gets to work on his next story.  This time he writes about a man whose dog runs away from home and how the man never finds the animal.  Years later, the man bumps into a lovely lady who owns a dog similar to the one he lost years ago.   He takes a closer look at the dog, and sees the name tag.  Sure enough the dog is his long last pet.  How did the woman end up with the dog?   This story, is a bit of a mystery.

      Adrien glances up from the computer when he realizes he has almost an entire chapter of his new book ready.  He is glad too.  It has been awhile since the publication of his first book. He figures he might as well give his viewers something new to write about for a change.  This way, he will  continue to earn  money, grow popularity, and maybe even get his dream girl!   Whoa, who is he kidding?    It is not like the girl notices him much before he becomes a famous author, so why should now be any different?


     Adrien eats a snack.  Then, types a few more chapters!  There is no time like the present to work on it , right?  He sighs as he hears a knock on the door.  He opens it to find himself face to face with  Marinette!

      "Hey, Mari!"  Adrien says.  He frowns when he realizes she has tears in her eyes.

       "Hey, Adrien!  Oh, sorry, you are busy!  I suppose I came at a bad time."  Marinette says.

       "Wait, it is okay.   I just got started on it earlier today, and have worked on it almost non stop.  I could use a break."  Adrien says.

       "You sure?"  Marinette says.

       "Yes, I am.  Now, what seems to be the trouble?"  Adrien ask.

      "What makes you say that Adrien?"  Marinette ask.

      "You have tears in  your eyes.  Now mind telling me why you were crying?"  Adrien ask.

       "Okay, I will!  It is just that my boyfriend..."  Marinette trails off

      "Wait, what about your boyfriend?"  Adrien ask.

      "Well, he broke up with me!  He just dumps me for someone else and I thought he loved me."  Marinette says.

       "Marinette, if he does not see how amazing you are then he is the stupid one!"  Adrien says.

      "Really?"  Marinette says.

      "Yes, really!  You are one amazing, special, kind, caring, and cute girl!"  Adrien says.

        Marinette blushes.  She is still sad about the break up, but somehow Adrien's  kind words cheer her up.  

      "Here, you need this more than me!"  Adrien hands her a handkerchief!

          In that moment, Marinette  knew this was the start to a nice new adventure with a great guy as her friend.  She never knew then that some day she would love this author, this Adrien Agreste guy full of compassion for her!


The Journal   AU  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now