Sports 80% mental 20% physical(Romanic comedy) Ch. #1

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I walk down the hall past the Gyms i just finished winter track practice now waiting for my brother to finish up and take me home. As i walk towards the door i see one of the wrestlers, the whole team is leaving or in the locker room showering or changing or something along those lines. I know this kid he's in my Driver's ed, History, English and Math classes. 'Whats his name again, oh my god how can i not remember, THAT RIGHT its Derek Emmetts' I thought. Sitting down next to him, he looks at me from the side of his eye "Whats wrong" I ask.

"Nothing" he respond sounding upset.

"Come on whats wrong" i questioned again.

"You wouldn't understand" he replied.

"Try me" I said.

He just looked at me shocked that i kept pushing him to answer.

"Well I just suck" he said put his head down.

"What do you suck at" I asked.

"Wrestling' he replied quickly.

"What makes you say that" I questioned.

"I got pinned my last couple matches in the first minute" He admitted.

"So its not a big deal" I claimed.

"Maybe not to you but to me, its a huge fail" he expressed.

"Just practice harder and think that the next guy you verse you can beat" I explained.

"I'm versing the state champ tomorrow how am i suppose to beat him I'm a sophomore and he's a senior" He exclaimed.

"Ok sports are 80% metal and 20% strength, so you can beat him. I believe in you, I will be there i'll come see you before your match trust me ok" I expressed.

"Come on Casey" my brother said passing, i jumped up and followed.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*-DEREK'S POV-~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

As Casey got up she gave me a smile and that made me realize she was serious but really thinking about what she said it really helped. Maybe I can win after all, my mom just pulled up and i went home feeling so much better.

------------------------Next day-----------------


It was Saturday and i had to go to my brothers wrestling match, I showered and changed into sweats, i felt like crap but i promised Derek i would be there.

"Come on Casey lets go" my dad said. We got there just as the 105 Pound just started my parents said Derek was 185 Pound. To be expected he was like 6'5 and all muscle we sat in the front row and there where not many people there. I sat there falling asleep its like 7 in the morning and i was not having it. I walked to the bathroom to do something because i couldn't sit there anymore. I walk past the Hallway to see Derek worried, "Hey Derek feeling better" i asked sounding horrible.

"Whats wrong with you" He asked stopped pacing.

"Just getting a cold but you wrestle next right" i asked.

"Yeah" he said.

"Ok (cough,cough) just think he's some annoying freshman who keeps saying hes going to take your spot even though everyone knows he sucks. You can kick this guys ass, hes got nothing on you. You've worked hard and you deserve this. Your only a sophomore and your on varsity which most people can never say, you got this ok" i told him.

"Thanks" he said.

I patted him on the back and walked away coughing and sniffling, walking back to sit down. Derek walked out on the mat shook the other guys hand who was big but ugly, it was back and forth Derek  was holding his own it is impressive, i was shocked. He lost but he didn't get pinned at all and only lost by a point, he looked over at me after the other coaches said great match you'll go far. I smiled at him and gave him the thumbs up he smiled at me and nodded.

"Derek" called his coach


I can't believe i didn't get pinned, this was awesome. I looked over at Casey who gave me a thumbs up and smiled.

"Derek" Coach B called.

"Yes Coach" i said.

"What the hell got into you" Coach said throwing his arm around my shoulder. I looked over at Casey who was talking to her dad and just smiled.

"Oh a girl, I see what she your girlfriend" Coach asked.

"Oh NO, she's a girl who just gave me advice at the right time" i said.

"Well whatever you say" was all my coach said as he walked away.

The matches finished and we won only by 2 points but it was still a win. Everyone was talking to there parents and friends.

"That was great, you don't suck" Casey said coming up to me coughing.

"Thanks that's reassuring" I said smiling at her.

"DEREK" some girl screamed.

"Oh Brittney" i caught her as she jumped in the air.

"I heard you won" she said.

"No he didn't, but he wrestled great" Casey said in a scratchy voice.

"Umm oh and who are you" Brittney asked.

"I'm in three of your classes and sit next to you in one, you know Casey" Casey told her starting to get mad.

"Oh well whatever, Derek that's great but don't you love my highlights, great right" Brittney said. Casey just walked away disappointed and back to her parents and out the door she went.

"Brittney don't be mean, she was just being nice" I told her.

"Oh whatever she's a loser you don't want to be seen with her" Brittney told me.

"But-" i was interrupted.

"But nothing, go shower you smell horrible and look it" Brittney said holding her nose.

"Derek come on coach is calling the wrestlers into the locker room" Kyle yelled to me, i gave Brittney a kiss on the cheek. Ugh i hated that face lotion she puts on, i tell her everyday. I walk past a mirror and saw make up on my cheek, Brittney put on way to much make up too. I can't believe i'm still with her....

Sports 80% mental 20% physical(Romantic Comedy) (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now