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"Everyone gets a turn to play a major role, Zelda. You are the one who earned the role, but the counselor told me I can't give another lead to you until everybody's had one."

"I'm sorry, what? That's ridiculous! I deserve the role, if that's the case."

"As much as I'd love to make you Juliet, I can't. I'm one vote of three of the casting team."

Zelda has been in theatre since her dorky middle school years. It's been something she's always loved... and then you get girls like Madeline.

People like her are only good at acting when it comes to playing nice around people like Link.

Madeline pales in comparison when it comes to raw talent. While Zelda has been dabbling in the fine art of theatre for the majority of her life, Madeline just joined theatre and acts like she's the queen bee.

She expects things to be done for her so she doesn't have to get her hands dirty. But there's a reason it's called a production team.

While Zelda may have her flaws, Madeline's tower high above hers.

It's rather insane, really, that anyone likes Madeline. Madeline always steals the spotlight, even when it isn't deserved.

Should I? Zelda thinks cruelly to herself. Should I sabotage her to get what's rightfully mine? Mr. Davis did clarify to me that I deserved it, after all... but could I stoop to Madeline's level? She ponders for a moment until she walks face-first into her childhood - as well as current - best friend.

"Ow! Zel!"

"Sorry, Sarah. I was so in the zone..."

"Thinking about Link, again?"

Zelda's cheeks flush red instantaneously. "What happened to your glasses?"

"Oh, don't you go trying to change the subject on me, Zel. I know you."

"Fine. Somewhat. But seriously... what happened to your glasses?"

"They should be somewhere nearby... they were on top of my pile of books."

Zelda shakes her head, feeling really sincere for her friend. "You're insane. I don't know how you do it." So much studying.

"Do what?"

"How you take on eight classes a day. You're the all-star athlete. You're the captain of the mathletes. You work. I just don't get it. How are you so perfect?"

"Don't use that word." Sarah hisses, feeling it like a stab wound.

There's so much backstory as to why Sarah despised the word so. But now is not the time to discuss it. Perhaps later.

"Sorry, Sarah. I get that you hate it, but I don't get why."

She sneers at her friend word like Zelda twisted the knife deeper into her wound, then decided to worsen the wound by rubbing salt on it. "You know why..." she whispers under her breath.

That's the only thing about Sarah that remains a mystery to Zelda. Sarah loathes being called perfect.

How much Zelda would love to be called perfect. Is there possibly something more below the surface of Sarah?

"You wanted to do something after school, didn't you?" Sarah asks, suddenly changing topics from the mood-dampening course of conversation. "It's been really hot out for the past week, and I was thinking that we'd go to the beach?"

"I could do with some unwinding... but..."

"Dude... seriously? But what? What's the excuse this time? We never hang it anymore..."

It's not as though Zelda was drifting away from Sarah, it's just... Zelda was always so very busy. Preparing for the next set of auditions, practicing for the next play...

Being frustrated with her lack of a lead role, especially. At this moment, she just wanted to go home and throw darts at a picture of Madeline. If only it was the real thing...

But Zelda also has always wondered... how does Sarah always have free time with eight classes, all the different clubs, and a job on top?

But right now, she's focused on relieving her stress.

"Ok, Zelda. How about... a spa day? My treat. I've been saving up."

"Dude... how much money do you have right now!?"

"Well, I earn $15 an hour, I spend fourteen hours a week working..."

"I don't want to deprive you of your hard-earned money though!"

"My treat. We're going."

Much to Zelda's dismay and reluctance, Sarah drags her off to the spa, and afterwards they head to the beach

And it was just what she needed.

Up until they ran into a few certain people.


A/N: I know I should've stuck with the Champions, but I always like to have an original character in my stories. At least one. Plus, Sarah (whose name has been changed cuz from Aleah cuz... I don't know. I felt like it.) will be a different personality that assists in driving the story. Hope you guys enjoyed chapter 1!

Romeo and Juliet (Zelink Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now