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Zelda screams into her pillow for trusting Sarah, although... perhaps it was a little petty of Zelda...

She never did ask her about her home life, and in trade she never knew about Link. It was no wonder that Sarah hadn't said anything.

Especially after Zelda's little outburst. It was melodramatic.

But... the question is... why would Sarah have even used the term "home life" unless there was something negative in it?

Wouldn't most people say nothing about their home life?

Sarah's words bounce around Zelda's head as she mindlessly pulls her phone from her purse, preparing to apologize to Sarah.

They've been best friends for what seems to be forever.

Hey Sarah... I'm sorry for being so petty about this... could you please forgive me?

Only if you forgive me for taking so long to tell you?

Then we have ourselves a deal. Want to come over with Mipha?

Yeah, sounds good. See you in a bit.

Zelda sighs with relief that Sarah wasn't angry. She's never been one to be petty.

"Are you alright, Zelda? You've been a little tense." Urbosa asks, entering Zelda's room.

"I'm fine. Is it ok if Mipha and Sarah come over?"

"Yeah. It's a little late in the day, though... don't you think? Maybe just have them over for a sleepover or something?"


"Alright. I'm heading out grocery shopping. You need anything?"

"Nothing I can think of. Wait... actually, could you get some popcorn?"

"Yup. Alright, see ya in a bit."

There's a loud thumping on the door, and Zelda springs from her bed and races to the door, crashing face first into it.


"Zel! You didn't run into the door again, did you!?" Sarah calls out to her.

"Noooo..." She replies with an increasingly high pitch.

Zelda pinches the bridge of her nose and opens the door as Mipha giggles and a pizza-bearing Sarah guffaws.

"Oh, hush. What movie do you guys want to watch?"

"Well... the movie for Spirits, The Teller's Stone, and Hoping For Life are out... and I brought them..."

"Maybe Spirits. That book gave me the feels..." Zelda says, wiping an imaginary tear.

"I totally can't wait until Book 2 comes out!"

"I need to know what happens to Sylvia!" Mipha giggles, remembering the final sentence of Spirits.

"I, Queen Sylvia Of Shase..." Sarah begins, quoting the most well-known words of the series.

"Found my purpose. My reason was taken from me, and so my purpose has yet to be..." Mipha carries on, setting the grand finish up for Zelda.

"Completed. And you will suffer before you see my surrender. I will rise again. I, am the Crane." Zelda finishes off with her most dramatic tone, using her theatrical skills at their best.

"I heard a rumor..." Sarah grins.

"And what's that?" Mipha asks delicately.

"Supposedly, Spirits is coming to Hyrule Highschool's theatre!"

"No way!" Zelda grins, jumping up and down. But then her face falls at a realization. "But it makes no difference if Mr. Davis and the counselor wouldn't allow me to take Sylvia's role..."

"Have you talked to Urbosa or your dad about how you didn't get the role?"

"They didn't know I was even auditioning on Friday..."

"Zel!" Sarah cries out, cocking her head to the side with a dumbfounded expression.

"What!? I haven't gotten the chance. It was two days ago!"

Mipha sighs, shaking her head. "Zelda, you should let them know so they can talk to Mr. Davis about talent and placements."

"Maybe I'll tell them later."

"No maybe. Get rid of that word. You use it way too often." Urbosa says, entering the apartment.

"Were you... listening in on us?"

"Yes." She replies bluntly. "You never share anything with Rhoam or myself, so this is what I had to do. And yes, I will have a conversation with Mr. Davis about this."

Zelda slides down off the couch. "She's going to embarrass me. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it..." Zelda mutters after her aunt's out of earshot.

"Prepare to hear that you're Juliet, Zel..." Mipha says with a lighthearted giggle.

"How do you know that?"

"Mr. Davis would do anything for Urbosa!"

"What are you talking about, Mipha?"

"Rumor has it - from the old people, of course - that Mr. Davis likes Urbosa."

"Mipha... we don't trust rumors in this friend group. It's about the cold hard facts. And don't call my aunt old."

"I know, but it's fun to talk about gossip!"

"When did you get into gossip?"

"I found these gossip journals all around school, and it's some juicy stuff. By Traysi... uh... I have no idea what her last name is... but she calls them the Rumor Mills."

"I'll bet they're all from the oldies days."

"Probably." Sarah says. "But even then, Mipha, you probably shouldn't be reading those. God knows what's in there that could ruin your perfect innocent mind."

Mipha rolls her eyes. "That's a bit much, don't you think?"

"Perhaps... but even so. There could be some bad stuff in them."

"Let's just watch the movie, guys." Zelda says, putting Packaged With Care in.

"Dude! You've seen that movie at least two dozen times!"

"What? It's good."

Zelda climbs back up on the cough with the popcorn that Urbosa had bought earlier, sitting down between Sarah and Mipha.

Romeo and Juliet (Zelink Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now