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Zelda sits in the steps of her apartment building, finishing off the final equation of her math homework and finally completing her hour of studying for the day.

She throws her fists in the air, punching an imaginary ceiling with joy, as she transitions into putting her books away in her book bag.

She grins and walks back inside, taking the stairs up to the third floor - where her apartment is - but freezes when she feels her phone buzz.

Unknown Number:
Hey, Zel... I was wondering... what did you get on your math homework?

Who is this?

Unknown Number:
It's Madeline, obviously. You're such a moron.

If I'm such a moron, why are you trying to copy my math homework?

Zelda smiles to herself, proud of her response, and slips her phone back into her purse.

That's what you get, you little cow.

She smiles, getting herself together and ready to head to the mall with Sarah and Mipha.

Hopefully Urbosa would be ok today... her usual rough exterior seemed to be breached yesterday, but knowing Urbosa, she sealed it right back up this morning.

Even if she wasn't ok, it's not like Zelda could do anything about it. Urbosa works from early in the morning to mid afternoon, and when she gets home, she usually heads straight to bed.

Zelda waits until she hears a honk from outside before leaping from the chair in her room, and runs down the stairs.

She's surprised when she sees Link at the wheel with Mipha in the passenger seat and Sarah in the back.

Zelda screams internally, but didn't want to show that she was uncomfortable with this arrangement, so she instead opened the door and sat down next to Sarah, who she nudged with her foot.

A message is displayed across Zelda's screen after Aleah works her fingers across her phone.

I'll explain later. Please don't hate me...

Link clears his throat at the uncomfortable silence as Mipha gives him a friendly grin.

Zelda and Mipha have a friendly competition amongst themselves - they both like Link, but they decided they didn't want to let it ruin their friendship.

If he decides he likes one of them, the other has to be supportive, though Zelda feels guilty thinking that it would cause her misery to see Mipha and Link dating.

But then again, it's likely Mipha has the same mindset.

"So... what are you guys going to do?" Link asks, hoping to break the silence. And maybe even get Zelda to talk to him in the process.

Though Link, perhaps, is not the most uncomfortable of the four. For Sarah has to deal with knowing that her best friends like her brother.

"Well, we're going to the food court first..." Sarah begins, hoping it will cause Zelda or Mipha to talk too. "Then we're going to Vale and Roll."

"So... what time should I pick you guys up?"


"Sounds good. See you then."

Thankfully, for Zelda and Mipha at least, the mall truly wasn't very far away.

Link waves as Sarah, Mipha, and Zelda walk away.

Sarah then tells Mipha and Zelda that they might want to sit down.

"Why?" Zelda and Mipha ask simultaneously.

"Because... I have something that I've kept secret from both of you..."

"And that's...?"

Once Zelda and Mipha are sitting, Sarah takes a deep breath, and explains that Link is her twin brother.

Zelda stares at her, unblinking, with a sense of swelling betrayal. "Was that why we went to the spa the other day? Because you thought it would lessen the blow?"

Sarah folds her arms, losing the confidence she had only minutes ago.

Mipha frowns at Zelda. "That was bit harsh, Zel... don't you understand why she was hiding it?"

"No, I don't. She could have told us sooner."

"I should've. I get it. But I made a mistake, Zelda... please forgive me?"

"Zel, at least Sarah told us..."

"I don't." Zelda replies firmly. "Maybe later. But right now? All I'm feeling is hurt that you didn't trust us. I need to be alone for a while." She lifts herself off the bench, trying to hide her trembling legs.

"Hold on..." Sarah says, catching her off guard. "Zel, if you're going to be alone, I'm going to give you something to ponder. How come you never asked me if I was ok? How come you never asked me about my home life? I would've given you the answers had you simply asked... and while my judgement was impaired - I won't lie about that - I'm an honest person."

Zelda asks herself those questions as she walks away in a fit of fury.

Zelda feels like she was standing alone in a storm, and the lightning just struck her.

That's the bitter feeling of betrayal.

Romeo and Juliet (Zelink Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now