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~*Jungkooks' P.O.V.*~
I drove home thinking about Jisu...She's so beautiful..I felt myself get a little excited...thats all. I got home.."DID YOU KISS HER?" Jin asked me jumping up and down, "No." They laughed.."Whats wrong Kookie?" Taehyung asked me. "Nothing...I just think I messed up kinda." They looked at me and Jimin facepalmed himself, "So..you do like her? Don't lie, I can tell by your pants." My face became flustered as they laughed at me..I walked upstairs to my room and lay down. Her voice echoed in my head.."J-Jungkook O-Oppa.."

God..I love when she calls me that. What has this girl done to me..I'm never like this...over anybody.

I found myself to be looking at her pictures...I was trying to stop myself. I jumped up and went to take a shower...Maybe I would be calmer when I got out? No. I just wanted to talk to her...

 I just wanted to talk to her

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"Why are you smiling so hard?" The six Hyung were standing at my door

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"Why are you smiling so hard?" The six Hyung were standing at my door.."How long..- Why are you here?" Namjoon gave me a look..."You're texting Jisu...aren't you?" He teased, "Ooh! Let me see!" Taehyung jumped on my bed and I snatched my phone away and turned it off. "You're no fun." Jimin laughed at seeing me so flustered, "I'm going to bed. You guys give him a break." Yoongi walked away...following with the rest of them. I put my phone on the charger and slowly drifted off to sleep. The next day, we had dance practice...or so we thought we did. We went to a dance studio...but not our dance studio. When we walked in, we were surprised to see Jisu talking with our manager..."Manager Sejin? Why are we not at our dance studio?" Jimin looked down. "Well, We're welcoming Ms.Min to our management." I smiled to myself.."Okay.." Namjoon nudged me and snickered softly. We got into the studio and began to watch her dance with her dance teacher.

She wore:

When she danced, she wouldn't look up

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When she danced, she wouldn't look up. She would look at the floor..Whenever she messed up, she'd tap her thigh a few times...Like she was trying to remember something. Her dance teacher told her to dance to Boy In Luv for us...She didn't look nervous, she knew it perfectly. What confuses us most is how she's never tired afterwards.."I've gotten used to it." She gives us a warm smile after. We danced after her. It felt she had her eyes on me the entire time for some reason..We were recording a dance practice, I kept my eyes off of her gaze because I knew I would smile to see her bounce around in her seat trying to remember what we were doing.

Why is she so cute?

"Jungkook is in L-O-V-E!" Taehyung teased me, "Aish..You guys do this everyday..Leave him alone." Yoongi smiled slightly and nodded at me. Jisu looked worried about something...she kept holding on to her chest and looking around the floor.."Whats wrong Jisu?" She looked as if she had just saw a ghost...She was panicking and she couldn't speak, "Jisu slow down. Tell us whats wrong." She slowed herself down..."MymomgaveanecklaceandIputitundermyjacketbutnowIcan'tfinditcanyoupleasehelpme?" She spoke in a quick voice and we barely understood her. We helped her find it...I was lucky enough to find it under one of our jackets, "Thank you Jungkook." I put the necklace around her neck...she was relieved that we found it and it wasn't stolen...

she was relieved that we found it and it wasn't stolen

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"JIMIN-AH!" Hoseok yelled looking at Jimin..He was taking a picture, "Jiminies' Famous selcas." Jisu laughed..."Don't be mad you can't be as fine as me." Jimin faked a hair flip then laughed.."If anything, I'm cuter than you." Jisu pouted slightly. "Jungkook thinks so..." Namjoon mumbled to himself and both me and Jin hit him. "Hm?" She looked at us and I shook my head..."Nothing." She laughed, "You guys are all quiet now..Anything your not telling me?" I chuckled a bit.."Not yet." I mumbled to myself, "JUNGKOOK SAID NOT YET." Taehyung yelled. "Stop lying!" I guess I got a bit too upset...It was really quiet after that.

Great going stupid.

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