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I lay down with Jungkook when Daniel walked into our room, "Danni whats wrong?" He took my hand and led me into the living room..I bent down in-front of him..."Eomma is listening." The young boy broke down into tears. "Baby...whats wrong?" I hugged him, rubbing his back..."A-Appa gets love b-but I don't. Eomma love Appa more than me." I let out a soft chuckle, "I love Appa and Daniel the same." I kissed his forehead and wiped his tears away. I picked the young boy up and brought him back..."Daniel, you okay?" Jungkook tried to take his hand to kiss it but Daniel snatched his hand away and stuck his tongue out.."Daniel. Thats not nice. Say sorry to Appa." Daniel shook his head, "Daniel. Your gonna go to bed early. Come on." I took his arm and he sat down, crying again. "Get up, Daniel." I picked him up and he began to kick his feet trying to get away..."I...Don't...Want...to!" He kicked again and hit me in my stomach.."Ow! Daniel you hit Eomma." I took off his clothes and began to bathe him while he cried, "Jungkook! Get Danni's towel." He quickly dropped it in and walked out.."Daniel your going to bed. Your tired." I lay him down and he screamed, crying more. I remembered since it was a project, the production team would be recording..."Can I cry too?" The staff behind the camera laughed and shook his head.."Daniel..please stop crying. Eomma is tired and wants to sleep." "I DON'T WANNA GO TO SLEEP." I sighed and sat up. "Fine. Goodnight Daniel." I went to walk out the room and I feel a pair of hands wrap around my leg, "Eomma! I sowwy...Don't leave pwease." I chuckled and lay down next to him until he fell asleep...


I woke up with a headache but I still smiled because Daniel looked adorable when he slept. I slowly got up and walked into my room, Jungkook was already up he was just on his phone.."Hi baby. I missed you last night!" He got up and hugged and kissed all over me..."Kookie your so clingy. I love you." He smiled and placed a kiss on my lips. "I—...Love—...You—...More—....!" He got out between kisses..."You guys wake up Daniel." A staff walked in placing our and Daniels clothes on the bed and walking out. Jungkook's phone began to ring.."Baby who's that?" He looked at his phone then silenced it, "Nobody. A Robot." It kind of made me worry buy I kept it in.

The staff would never record while we were walking to whatever place we were going to, we were on our way to a kimchi restaurant. A young girl looked at us and squealed, "Hi Jungkook!!" She walked over and hugged him.."Dahyun—...you—...you can't be here." I looked at him..."You told me you would—" "Please go. I'll see you later yeah?" She nodded and walked away. I avoided asking Jungkook what it was about because I knew he wouldn't answer with what I thought he was doing. We sat down at a table and began to eat in silence, once we were done, we headed out to the dance studio..."We're about to record a dance practice so watch after them please." Jungkook kissed my forehead and walked away.."Come on! Let's go play in the other room." I guided the kids out and replaced my phone with Jungkook's and took it with me. Once we got in the other room, I began to look through his phone..

What? I'm worried.

I went under a contact name..Dahyun👑💜. They had been texting for awhile and they're going to see each other tonight.I began to read some of the messages..
Dahyun👑💜: Do you love me?
Jungguk: Of course babygirl why wouldn't I?
Dahyun👑💜: If you loved me, you would break up with Jisu.
Jungguk: Its not that easy. I know how much she loves me but it's getting old. I'll do it, but it might take awhile.
Dahyun💜👑: The longer you wait, the less you see me.
By that point I was done. Really? It's getting old? "I'll be back okay?" I walked out the room and got my phone back..they just got done so they were fixing themselves up and everything. "You okay Jisu?" Jungkook walked over and tried to kiss me but I dodged it..."I'm fine Jeon." I grabbed my stuff.."Why are you leaving? Talk to me?" I pushed him away and went to grab Daniel, "Come on. Say bye to Lena, Mira, and Jiwon." "Bye bye!" He walked out and seen Jungkook. "Appa!" He ran to him and hugged his legs, Jungkook picked him up then looked at me.."Why are you acting like this?" I looked at Daniel, then back at him..."I don't know, ask Dahyun. If you wanted to break up with me you should've said something. Bye Jeon." I took Daniel from his arms and walked away.

~*2 Months Later...*~

We had to give the babies back even though we actually developed a relationship with these young kids.."Daniel please stop crying. I'll see you later okay?" He shook his head and held on to me tighter..The staff removed him from my arms and walked away with the others..."Jisu..Can we talk to you?" The 6 boys took me to a room and sat down, "What happened with you and Jungkook? He's been...crying. He'd avoid talking about you and he's been hanging out with Dahyun a lot more." Jin looked at the others for their approval. I scoffed, "He cheated. I left him." They looked surprised.."Why would he..?" Taehyung looked angry..."Apparently, my love was getting old." They looked at each other then back at me.."He's worried that you'll find someone better than him." Yoongi blankly stated. "Maybe I will." I got up and left.

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