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After I ended the live, Jungkook wasn't mad at me but he was playfully upset with me, "Your gonna have to say something to the fans instead of—"
"Its not lying. It's saving us time."
"Dispatch doesn't think so."
"Dispatch always thinks they have something . I'm gonna call Woojin right now."
He grit his teeth and looked down, "Your going to call the boy who liked you in high school...You know your mine right?" He put his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist.."Yes Jungkook. I just want to see how he's doing." He pouted. "Okay fine." He let go of me as I call him and walk out the room..
"Hi Woojin. Its Jisu...Remember me?"
"Jisu? From High School? How wouldn't I remember you? How have you been..?"
"I've been good, how about you?"
"Better now that i'm talking to you."
"Hey, I wanted to know if we could meet up later?"
"Of course. I'm not going anywhere...Meet you at the park?"
"Okay, Bye."
I turned around to see Jungkook, "Are you okay?" He came over and hugged me..."Yes." I laughed kinda.."Your jealous aren't you?" He pulled away and looked down, "Why wouldn't I be?! He had a crush on you in High School...If I was stupid, I would of thought you guys were dating the way you acted." He was talking in Satori because he was upset. I laughed again.."I love you and you only. I wouldn't leave you for someone else." He smiled and nodded.

I got dressed:

Leaving was hard

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Leaving was hard..Only because Kookie kept clinging on to me again when I told him to let go, "Fine. I'll let go." He finally let go and I walked to the park. I hugged Woojin when I saw him, "You look so different..." He smiled to where I could see his crooked tooth.."You've gotten prettier..I know we just started talking again...but I wanted to know. Even though its not professional...I still really like you, Maybe we could..meet up sometimes to see if anything is there?"

Tell me there's a bridge nearby that I can jump off.

"W-well...I don't know maybe..." My body went numb as he pulled me up and kissed me gently. He pulled back and waved as he walked away, I wanted to scream but I remembered I was in public.

What am I gonna tell Jungkook? "Oh uh...Woojin kissed me at the park. So." Like nO.

I was walking back...Basically stalling trying to think about what to tell Jungkook. "Hi! How was it?" He hugged me..but frowned when he saw my expression, "What happened?" His jawline stiffened. I was lost for words.."Jungkook...I-..He-..." I could tell he was getting impatient..."Jungkook...He kissed me. I didn't kiss him back..I didn't know what to do...I didn't wanna tell you because I don't wanna lose you. Please forgive me." I looked down, It wasn't my fault..I just felt like I did something wrong. Jungkook always likes playing around with people.."I thought you love me. You promised me you wouldn't do anything. You lied." He started putting his shoes on, "Jungkook..I'm sorry...You know I love you and I wouldn't—" He gave me a look and got up..."Maybe dating you was a mistake.." He left.

S T U P I D.

I couldn't cry because I messed up. I just lay on my bed...I didn't think. I didn't move, I just lay there...Finally my emotions caught up and I began to cry. I didn't even hear Jungkook come back.."Baby—" He ran up to me and hugged me, "Babygirl I was joking...I know you wouldn't do that." I continued to cry because not only was I mad at him..But I still thought I did something wrong. "Babygirl...please stop crying...I'm sorry." I hugged him tighter and buried my face into his chest, "How can I make it up to you?" I shook my head and looked at him.."You don't have to." I smiled weakly and kissed him. Jungkook cuddled up to me and kissed my forehead...whispered soft sweet things to me, saying how much he loves me and talking about how he would never leave me. "Are you still mad at me?" He looked at me and I didn't say anything, "Please don't be mad at me...I told you I was sorry. Talk to me please?" I still didn't say anything. "Fine. Don't talk to me." He pushed me off and got up, he didn't even realize I was sleep and he woke me up..."What is—...What was that for?" He turned around, "You were ignoring me and now you act like you didn't—"

Save this boy.

"I was sleep." He looked at me and frowned, "O-oh...I'm sorry.." I turned away from him..."You need to learn to control your temper." He sat down next to me and rubbed my arm.."I'm sorry...I just don't really like being ignored. I hope your not still mad at me..." He looked away. "No baby...Of course not. Hold on someones calling me." I pick up the phone..

"Hello? Ms.Min? I'm so sorry to bother you...but I believe this is something you would want to be bothered about..."
"Your parents...died in a car accident. Your step-dad told me to tell you...That he's so sorry for mistreating you. And that him and your mother love you."
I began to cry.."N-No...that can't be true.."
"I'm so sorry Ms.Min."
The lady hung up the phone and I began to cry harder, "Jisu! Whats wrong?" I couldn't even talk. My heart broke into so many pieces that you couldn't even find all of them."M-My parents...- Car Accident...- Died...-"

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