♥ChApTeR OnE♥

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Yui's P.O.V. ♥

After I moved in with those monsters and finished my first day of night school I ran up stares and locked my door making sure no one was watching or there I ran to my mirror .

"Kyoko-chan you there ?" I asked looking at my reflection .

"Hehehe why if it isn't my innocent and beautiful bestie ~" a voice said insanely as my reflection changed into a girl with moonlight bluish white eyes and half black half white hair , she had a inane grin on her lips .

"Kyoko I need your help !" I said dropping my innocent act and talking normally .

"What can I help you with Yui-chan ?" She asked .

"Father sent me to live with six vampires and I am scared can you save me ?" I asked with hope .

"hehehe soooorrrrryyyy no can doooo , you seeeee Seiji-san asked me personally to make sure you stay thereeeee its your fate after alllll ~" She said in a sing song tone .

"I see , at least come and keep me company you childhood friend of a chain demon " I said with a frown .

"Okie dokie just open the door after count of ten~" She said dissapearing.












A knock could be heard from the main door of the mansion . I rushed down stairs and opened the door as the brothers assembled in the entrance hall .

I opened the door only to engulfed by a hug of a familiar double hair colored demon girl .

"Yu-chan ! Kyoko missed you !" She shouted giggling happily .

"What a drag " The white haired Neko boy behind her sighed .

We froze when someone cleared their throat oh it was Reiji "And who might you be ?" He asked .

"Kyoko is Kyoko . . . this is Cheshire " She said pointing at herself then at the Neko .

They only looked at her weirdly at first until Cheshire broke the shock "My name is Cheshire Blackwood and this is Kyoko Tensuya she talks in third person sometimes don't mind her she's a troublesome crazy gril " He said lazily.

"And what are you doing here ?" Reiji asked fixing his glasses .

"Kyoko is Yui's child hood friend Seiji-san sent Kyoko to live with Yui since Kyoko was feeling lonely Kyoko will leave as soon as she feels bored of all of you except Chesh " Kyoko said and everyone sweat droped .


"Ouch!" Kyoko shouted and galred at the ticked Cheshire .

"STOP . TALKING . IN .THIRD . PERSON . IT'S ANNOYING !!!!!" He scolded .

"Okay okay stop being a meanie lazy bastard . " She whinned .

"Alright you nay stay but please don't be too loud " Reiji said .

"Fufufu~What a cute girl you are crazy-chan " Laito flirted.

"Thanks Fedora-chan your cute too well more like handsome " She said grinning and Laito blushed .

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