🎶Chapter Ten🎶

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The brothers and Yui gasped when everything turned black .

Suddenly they were in a house no a mansion were a pretty women sat weaving wool while humming a song .

She seemed kind and happy that was until a man with raven hair sneeked behind her .

"Henry ! What are you doing !" She squeaked giggling .

"Checking on my lovely wife " The man chuckled kissing her cheek "So were's the kids ?" He asked .

"Alex and Nora are playing outside "She said happily with loving eyes .

"And what about the other them ?" He asked with venom and hate .

"Shi is out in the village visiting somone , while Akira is in the forest where I hope she gets eaten by some wild animal." The women said with hate .

While talking they were cut off by a small soft familiar voice that caused the everyone to look at .

Little Akira came running in with a rose bouquet " Auntie Lea ! Auntie Lea !" Little Akira shouted happily as she ran to the glaring women "I made you a rose bouquet just for you because of your beauty !" She said happily as she showed her the perfectly made red roses bouquet.

The women or rather Lea's eyes slightly softened as she saw the beautiful bouquet but then hardened again as she threw the bouquet away and yelled "I DON'T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU ! YOU LITTLE DEMON MONSTER !"

The girl stared at the bouqet sadly as tears gathered in her eyes but then mumbled to herself that only her and the brothers could hear . "They'll change their minds one day . "


More memories passed of little Akira being bullied by her Aunt and Uncle who adopted her and her brother . Even her adopted twin sisters bullied her . Yui couldn't help but hold her tears and cries while the brothers were shocked of what their friend have been through .

Right now Akira was crying after whatching her brother being hanged .

"BIG BROTHER ! " She shouted making the villagers stare at her wide eyed heck even the king and his family where seated in the stadium.

She ran to the stage were her brothers dead body laid as everyone gasped at the eight year old and stared at her .


Her moonlight white eyes changed into crimson red as her hair became fully black with red strings .

"You ! You tortured me ! Humiliated me ! Broke my heart ! And now took everything I care for away ! Heh . . . If you actually thought you could tame me and use me as your weapon your wrong ! I will slaughter every single one of you pethatic creatures after the count of ten hehehehe ~ So let's play fox and rabbit all of you run at the count of three or your dead in place " She said demonically.

"1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . Let the game begin !"

The brothers stared wide eyed as Yui hide her face in Ayato's chest covering her ears and crying at the blood lust seen . Shu had a disgusted look from all the dead bodies but he thought they deserved it . Reiji had amused look . Kanato was grinning happily with tedy at the beautiful show . Laito had a sad smile . Ayato and Subaru had emotionless faces .

After a minute A blood covered Akira sat in the middle of the stadium her still black haired as she stared at her brothers dead eyes .

"I am sorry Nii-san they had had to die . " She whispered as a lone tear rolled down her eyes .

Then they all heared heavy breathing and turned to see Akuma the white haired girl laying on the ground dieing .

"I am . . . Sorry . . . for what my father . . . the king . . . did to your brother . . . I tried . . . I tried to stop him . . . but he . . . ignored me . . . death is what we truly . . . deserve " The white haired princess said .

Akira gasped and ran to her side as an idea hit her "Don't worry you won't die for I am the real daughter of Lucifer and You and I will have a long relation ship if you accept to be my good side while I am the bad Akuma Tensuya " She said leaning her hand foreword and the Akuma took it .

"I agree " She said .

The stadium started to shake as Lucifer appeared grinning .

"Akira no kurayami and Akuma Tensuya I here by officially rank you as demons Chain demons to be precise but for that both of you should die and be reborn into one separated you are the chains of Hate and Betrayal while as one you shall be called the chain of Chaos . " Lucifer's booming voice announced as both girls fell limp to the ground .

The scene changed to when the girls went on a rampage that forced Lucifer , Karlheinz, and some of the demon chains to work togather and bound the two demons into one girl .

And she was called Kyoko Tensuya .

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