Kyoko Tensuya , a demon chain that is known as a myth and has a contract with Yui Komori who she lives in her shadow . What happens when Kyoko finally reveals herself as a new student and girl in town ? Will she try to protect Yui ?
After returning from night school I headed directly to my room which was a grey replica of Yui's room everything the damn same . Lazy Cheshire laid on my bed .
"So are going to stay without a master now ?" Cheshire asked lazy .
"Yep I am a lonely chain after all " I normally with my act .
"I see " He said going back to sleep .
"I am going for a walk " I said sighing and leaving the room .
I walked down stairs and into the garden somehow finding a rose garden with a tower I gasped cheerfully at the beautiful sight that laid infront of my eyes .
"What are you doing here ?" A angry voice asked behind me .
"Oh sorry Subaru-san Kyoko didn't know Kyoko wasn't supposes to be here Kyoko only was taking in the beautiful sight of your pretty garden for this is the first time Kyoko seeing a pretty sight such as this " I said with a closed eyed smile .
"Tch. . . Stop talking in third person it's annoying " He through gritted teeth and for some reason I felt a pang in my heart when he said annoying .
"S-sorry I didn't mean to annoy you I am living " I said with a frown and tears on the edge of my eyes because of the pain in my heart .
I started walking away with head low until a hand grasped my wrist and I bumped into a hard chest .
"I . . . I . . . didn't mean to make you cry I am . . . sorry " He said .
"I-It's okay it was my fault for coming here in the first place " I said through a emotionless voice as I whipped my tears and stared at him with cold eyes which he flinched because of . "Now if you excuse me I am heading to my room so I won't 'annoy' you anymore Sakamaki-san " I said with slight venom which he was shocked off .
I turned and left to my room without waiting for him to say a word .
One rule I only call people by their last name if they hurt me and I became to dislike them that means I hate them .
I entered my room only to be met with a letter appearing out of no where .
"Dear Chain Demon of Hate & Betrayal ,
You are here by invited to court yard in Nowhere for a meeting where The Emperor chain will do a decision about a secret matter so please be there in 30 minutes or you'll get punishment. ♤ Angel Chain♤"
"Agrhhh great ! " I mumbled .
"What is it ?" Cheshire asked lazily.
"I have a meeting with the other chains in half an hour it might take me a while in Nowhere so please make an excuse for my sudden disappearance " I order and chains serounded my body changing my clothes .
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Kyoko's Outfit.
I opened a portal and went through to the idiotic and meaningless meeting were probably one of us will be executed by the brat of a king . Just great. Sarcasm .