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◇Third Person P.O.V.◇

After everyone left Kyoko alone Subaru took Nina , Alex , Jack , and Elizabeth plus Cheshire to the roof where his brothers and Yui waited .

"Why did ya brin us here mate ?" Asked Alex .

"Don't you think we need some explanation about you and Kyoko's history ?" Reiji asked fixing his glasses .

"I knew this would happen sooner or later" Elizabeth said .

"First of all what are you and Kyoko ?" Ayato asked .

"Well we are demons mate !" Alex said grinning .

"Chain demons to be specific " Nina said smiling .

"Lucifer's children " Jack added .

"There are fifteen chain demons to be clear they are the strongest demons chosen by Lucifer who can form contracts with other creatres , Chain demons are originally either lost souls or sinners . " Reiji read out loud from his book .

"Lost soul " Jack raised his hand .

"Lost soul / innocent sinner !" Nina said .

"Sinners~" Elizabeth and Alex sang evily with grins .

"familiar " Cheshire said boredly .

"Second what's Kyoko's story ?" Kanato asked .

"Hmm , well all we know is that she's a chain mate , her story is a complete mystery for all of us she always runs away before changing the subjects or leaving complicated riddles mate " Alex said thought out loud .

"Yeah but all you need to know is that never ever upset her or get on her bad side " Nina said in a serious tone and not a soft one .

"We may seem normal but keep this in mind , we are demon chains because we are powerful monsters Lucifer is no father but he's a gaurd of our cage so we wouldn't be oyt there causing chaos . But the most powerful of us all and the most dangerous that can destroy us all is the Chain of Hate & Betrayal ." Jack said .

"We all at least stayed a century or two with a master but she's diffrenet her masters never stay alive they always magically disappear which concern us and Lucifer himself , He said that even though with a master she apperantly is the master of herself . To be her master you need to feel the same hate and betrayal she has which is hard . " Elizabeth said .

"One rule we all follow mate !" Alex said .

"The Bigger The sin

The powerful the chain !

The powerful the chain ,

The higher the rank !

The higher the rank ,

The more dangerous it is !

The more dangerous it is ,

The more deeper in darkness it goes ,

so no one can ever stop it !

Beware of the chain of Hate & Betrayal she can be your end Vampire or not !" Jack , Alex , Nina , and Elizabeth said in union .

"Hehehe~ Wow guys I never thought you would be curious about me neither did I know that you chains didn't know that much about me even though I know alot about you ~" A insane voice said from behind them .

The all turned to be met with the evil eyes of Kyoko that held a touch of sadistic and insanity .

"Hehehe ~ tell me everyone do you want to hear a story ? " Kyoko asked as her other siblings who were in the shadows joined .

"Yes!" The all said in unison as they sat on the ground and a chair appear out of no where that Kyoko sat on .

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