📖ChApTeR SeVeN📖

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"Hehehe~ tell me everyone do you want to here a story ? " Kyoko asked .

"Yes!" The all said sitting on the ground as she sat on the chair that appeared out of no where .


"Hehehe~ Ok you get to tell if it's the truth or a lie . Long long time ago when humans owned pathetic minds was born a girl who was inhuman , she and her older brither had a human family . Her family preferred him over her , they treated her like dirt , hated her guts but she denied that they will hate her forever . Her best friend who she thought loved her betrayed her . The only one who stood up for her and gave her love , kindess , care was her brother her name was Akira no kurayami and his name was Shi no kurayami .

Both brother and sister were inhuman . Shi was a werelock while Akira was a monster , her appearance always sold her out to normal people that time . One day as a magic expert the king sent a order to Shi to meet him so the idiot complied even though he knew it may end his life he still did it .

So when the king saw Shi's magic he got scared and ordered his guards to excute him by hanging him in the middle of the town .

That day Akira too along with her family went to see what's happening only to see her brother who his last words was that he loved her die infront of her two eyes .

That day Akira broke , she couldn't take anymore . Why ?

Because she kept her hate and betrayal hidden for too long Her hate was towards her family and other humans at that age and betrayal was another word for revenge in her dictionary , so she was sick of it and broke .

That day was the day that town had fallen in , the day the monster went free . " Kyoko said with a sadistic hint in her eyes .

"What happened ?" Blood and Kanato asked at the same time .

"That day Akira slaughtered the whole town , Women , Men , children , geezers , heck even babies ! It felt . . . so good !

She was free for once her true powers were unstoppable.  Until she realized that her brither wasn't completely dead yet at the verge of death and he have seen everything he have seen the monster he tried to help his sister keep in get unleashed .

When Akira noticed that she freaked out that after her borthers complete death she threw herself from the cliff that she always sat at and committed suicide not wanting to live while remember that scared look her brother gave her . She knew one thing clearly her brother was going to go to heaven and she's going to meet Lucifer so she got herself ready for that with slight excitement. The end ~" Kyoko said .

She looked at them and everyone had a scared look then she noticed she was leaking KI . "Whoops sorry ~" She sang as she fixed herself .

"Wow you really are the monster Lucifer warned us about " Evey said smirking. 

"Lalala" Kyoko kept humming while staring at the moon remembering her brother. 

>Flash Back <

"Big brither look ! I made you a white roses crown to show you how much I care about you !" A seven years old Akira shouted happily with a rose crown as she ran to her vrither who was sitting on a tree branch reading a book about magic . That time Shi was fourteen .

"Really now , how thoughtful of you my little Akira " He chuckled geting down then kneeling to her height so she could put on him her present. 

Akira / Kyoko chuckled as she placed it on him .

"Akira I want you to remember something for the future , you are not a monster so always be prowd of who you are my fallen angel even if one day I become scared of you . Promise me that " Shi said sternly yet gently .

"I promise big brother !"

>End Of Flash back < 

"I promise big brother !" I mumbled the words that I miss .

I felt something wet roll down my left cheek so I reached my hand to touch it only to tears .

"Hehehe~ The limo is already here see you tomorrow guys " I said in my fake cheery voice as usuall as I jumped off the building making them gasp .

Although we are demons the ones who were once humans doesn't have the ability to jump off of buildings the only gain minimum abilities but oh no I am wasn't a stupid humans . I just hope those Sakamaki idiots would remember me already .

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